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The overall response of solids containing non-interacting defects

Gregory Rodin (ICES,UT Austin)

Prager Medal Symposium in honor of George Weng: Micromechanics, Composites and Multifunctional Materials

Tue 9:00 - 10:30

MacMillan 117

Conventionally, the overall response of solids containing defects is determined by assuming that defects are embedded in an infinite body. The simplest approximate solutions for this class of problems are obtained under the assumption that the defects do not interact with each other. Thus those solutions involve two asymptotic approximations: (i) associated with large RVEs, and (ii) with large separation distances between defects. In this talk, I will show that these approximations, if treated carefully, lead to rather surprising results. For example, I will show that the overall response of solids containing non-interacting spherical particles coincides with that of Mori-Tanaka and Maxwell models, originally introduced to account for particle interactions.