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Orientation and misorientation statistics on experimental data from thousand-grain microstructures

Laurence Bodelot (Ecole Polytechnique), G. Ravichandran (Caltech)

Eringen Medal Symposium in honor of G. Ravichandran

Mon 4:20 - 5:40

Salomon 001

For most materials, the assumption of homogeneity in deformation only holds at a rather macroscopic scale. In particular, the mechanical response of polycrystalline metallic materials is heavily influenced by the orientations of their grains. Indeed, even under uniform loading, the mechanical behavior of a polycrystal is highly heterogeneous at the grain scale, featuring the appearance of localized plasticity as early as during the elastic phase of the loading. These heterogeneities at a local scale contribute to the macroscopic behavior of the material and need to be better understood and accounted for in constitutive laws and in numerical modeling in order to lead to accurate predictions of the macroscopic behavior. As a result, it is important to develop dedicated experimental tools in order to better understand the influence of these multiscale phenomena on the macroscopic behavior and in order to further inspire and validate the development of robust and physically motivated multiscale models that will describe accurately the response of a polycrystalline aggregate. We thus developed data processing tools in order to analyze orientation data of thousands of grains and to produce statistical data relevant to the validation of mean-field multiscale crystal plasticity models. We will show that such statistical analyses can, on the one hand, help determine whether an experimental dataset can be considered as a microstructural Representative Volume Element (RVE) in terms of texture and, on the other hand, give some insight into the range of significant neighbors interactions.