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A Model for Adhesive Wear Particle Volume using Extended Finite Element Modeling

Deepak Patil (Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison), Melih Eriten (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Contact Mechanics

Tue 9:00 - 10:30

Barus-Holley 163

Wear is a critical factor affecting the performance and life of sliding parts in machines. It is important to predict wear without relying on empirical data. A finite element (FE) model for adhesive wear of a generic material is presented based on physical principles. A rigid flat on a deformable elastic –plastic sphere is modeled in commercial FE software ABAQUS using Extended Finite Element Module (XFEM). Actual detachment of the wear particle is modeled during adhesive scratching. Mechanisms such as maximum principal stresses, maximum principal strains, nominal directional stresses and nominal directional strains are implemented to model the particle detachment. The effectiveness of these mechanisms in tangibly explaining wear of the particle is discussed. Based on the FE model, approximate actual volume of the wear particle is calculated rather than a potential wear volume. Furthermore, the effects of normal loading and material properties on the wear volume are also presented. Key words: Extended Finite Element Modeling, Contact Mechanics, Wear Modeling, Adhesive contact