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Investigation and evaluation of buckling instability during woven structure tension

Jovita Dargiene (Kaunas University of Technolog), Paule Bekampiene (Textile Institute), Jurgita Domskiene (Kaunas University of Technology)

Instability in Solids and Structures

Tue 4:20 - 5:40

Barus-Holley 190

The sheet materials which one dimension is small compared to the other two is common form of soft fibrous networks. One of the sheet material examples is woven textile structure discussed here. The application of these materials in engineering often faces with the problem of buckling instability, which is considered as the result of lateral compressive forces raised because of tensioned structure contraction. In this study the buckling phenomena of tensioned woven structure is analyzed from the point of view of non-uniform dynamics. It is shown that buckling instability is the problem of stress localization caused by the non-uniform stress and strain distribution. To investigate the local strain distribution the adapted image analysis technique is proposed, which capabilities and reliability are also considered. Based on the research results the method to avoid instability defects was proposed.