Guaranteed Lab Appearance Times & Secondary Lab Reservations (updated Nov 28, 2006)

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
10-10:50 room 141 lecture Circuits review
during Sept only
room 141 Sept: Circuits review

room 141
11:15a.m.   Nov-Foxtrot
10:30 -noon
  Nov-Foxtrot: 11:15 -noon Nov-Foxtrot
noon Smith Swim Center        
1pm SPED2, Whiskey Tango 1-3 Theta 1- 2:30 SPED2 1-3 Harry J., 12, 1-5, 095 (Robot Rover Derby)  
1:30     Zissou


2pm Foxtrot, Whitney   Pi, Alpha    
2:30     Robt+LK 3-5    
3 Aaron+Adam E. 3-5pm, Delta, Theta Zissou 3-5
Whiskey Tango 3-5


4   AIT: 4:15

Nick., 14, 4-6, 095 (Embedded C Programming)

EN 100: 245 B&H not a good time to start detailed troubleshooting
evening Somos, 5-7
JGR 7-9 (w/51) Whiskey Tango, Somos, 5-7   back door locked

Yellow JohnR, theTA, in the Lab

The Guarantee. For the times listed above in amber each student (in the teams named) guarantees to be present from that time for at least 15 minutes, starting in room 095. If JDD or a teaching assistant has not shown up by 5 min, the student is free to leave. In some cases, if I'm running late, or am in room 222A or Arnold Lab B-20, I may check in by phone... x 3-9852: please answer! However, I will make every effort to meet with the students at their GAT (Guaranteed Appearance Time).

If I fail to show up within 5 minutes to room 095, then you are entitled to a Get Out of FTQ Free card, that you can use at any point in the future, to skip the FTQ in qualifying for a Lab. If I show up in the first 5 minutes and you are not there, then I may leave and come back. The official time to the nearest second will be kept by the clock on the back wall in 095.

For their times listed, and for 1 hour thereafter, those student teams have priority for my attention. If a student is not present within 15 minutes of his or her guaranteed time, an effort may be made to contact the student ASAP. May I have your cell phone number?

GATs are no longer in effect after Thanksgiving; from Thanksgiving on to the end of the semester is the "no huddle" phase of EN123...the far side of the Yerkes-Dodson curve...

Secondary Lab Reservations. Students should feel free to come to the lab at other times, keeping in mind that those with guaranteed times have priority. In fact, it would be good if each team chose, beyond their guaranteed appearance time, two more 2-hour slots during the M-F 11a.m.-5pm times. With 4-5 setups in rm 095-097, there are a potential of 5*5*7 = 175 lab hours to accommodate 15*4 = 60 team-hours per week at 4 hours/team and 15 teams.

Lab Etiquette: When you finish, leave your work area as clean/organized as you found it... put screwdriver, hemostatic clamps, and wire strippers back in their tray for your setup. Don't turn off computers... don't auto-arrange any computer "desktop."

TEAMS forming... (select one or two greek letters or military alphabet letters for your team name...)

Alpha: Paul Strombom + Eric
SPED2: Jo S. + Amelia
AIT: Katie + Sarah
Whiskey Tango: Adam Rago + Eileen Wang
Theta: Paula Miller + Jenny
Zissou: Tito + Aditi
Foxtrot: Robt + LK
November Foxtrot: Sean + Alan
Pi: Jill Javier + Harry Samarro
Delta: Alyssa, Mark G., Austin R.
Somos: Cuong + Luis
HWNN: Aaron + Adam E.
Whitney Sharp

Navigate to find the EN123 group. See my account under JD Daniels.