3.3 Deriving and solving equations of motion for systems of particles


We next turn to the more difficult problem of predicting the motion of a system that is subjected to a set of forces. 



3.3.1 General procedure for deriving and solving equations of motion for systems of particles


It is very straightforward to analyze the motion of systems of particles.   You should always use the following procedure

1.      Introduce a set of variables that can describe the motion of the system.  Don’t worry if this sounds vague  it will be clear what this means when we solve specific examples.

2.      Write down the position vector of each particle in the system in terms of these variables

3.      Differentiate the position vector(s), to calculate the velocity and acceleration of each particle in terms of your variables;

4.      Draw a free body diagram showing the forces acting on each particle.  You may need to introduce variables to describe reaction forces.  Write down the resultant force vector.

5.      Write down Newton’s law  for each particle.  This will generate up to 3 equations of motion (one for each vector component) for each particle.

6.      If you wish, you can eliminate any unknown reaction forces from Newton’s laws. If you are trying to solve the equations by hand, you should always do this; of you are using MATLAB, it’s not usually necessary  you can have MATLAB calculate the reactions for you. The result will be a set of differential equations for the variables defined in step (1)

7.      If you find you have fewer equations than unknown variables, you should look for any constraints that restrict the motion of the particles.  The constraints must be expressed in terms of the unknown accelerations.

8.      Identify the initial conditions for the variables defined in (1).  These are usually the values of the unknown variables, their time derivatives, at time t=0. If you happen to know the values of the variables at some other instant in time, you can use that too.   If you don’t know their values at all, you should just introduce new (unknown) variables to denote the initial conditions.

9.      Solve the differential equations, subject to the initial conditions.


Steps (3) (6) and (8) can usually be done on the computer, so you don’t actually have to do much calculus or math. 


Sometimes, you can avoid solving the equations of motion completely, by using conservation laws  conservation of energy, or conservation of momentum  to calculate quantities of interest.  These short-cuts will be discussed in the next chapter.



3.2.2 Simple examples of equations of motion and their solutions


The general process described in the preceding section can be illustrated using simple examples.  In this section, we derive equations of motion for a number of simple systems, and find their solutions.


The purpose of these examples is to illustrate the straightforward, step-by-step procedure for analyzing motion in a system.   Although we solve several problems of practical interest, we will simply set up and solve the equations of motion with some arbitrary values for system parameter, and won’t attempt to explore their behavior in detail.   More detailed discussions of the behavior of dynamical systems will follow in later chapters.


Example 1: Trajectory of a particle near the earth’s surface (no air resistance)


At time t=0, a projectile with mass m is launched from a position  with initial velocity vector  .  Calculate its trajectory as a function of time.



1. Introduce variables to describe the motion: We can simply use the Cartesian coordinates of the particle   


2. Write down the position vector in terms of these variables:  


3. Differentiate the position vector with respect to time to find the acceleration. For this example, this is trivial


4. Draw a free body diagram.  The only force acting on the particle is gravity  the free body diagram is shown in the figure.  The force vector follows as .



5. Write down Newton’s laws of motion. This is easy


The vector equation actually represents three separate differential equations of motion



6. Eliminate reactions  this is not needed in this example.


7. Identify initial conditionsThe initial conditions were given in this problem  we have that



8. Solve the equations of motion.  In general we will use MAPLE or matlab to do the rather tedious algebra necessary to solve the equations of motion.  Here, however, we will integrate the equations by hand, just to show that there is no magic in MAPLE.


The equations of motion are


It is a bit easier to see how to solve these if we define


The equation of motion can be re-written in terms of  as


We can separate variables and integrate, using the initial conditions as limits of integration


Now we can re-write the velocity components in terms of (x,y,z) as


Again, we can separate variables and integrate


so the position and velocity vectors are



Here’s how to integrate the equations of motion using the `DSolve’ function in Mathematica


Applications of trajectory problems: It is traditional in elementary physics and dynamics courses to solve vast numbers of problems involving particle trajectories.   These invariably involve being given some information about the trajectory, which you must then use to work out something else.  These problems are all somewhat tedious, but we will show a couple of examples to uphold the fine traditions of a 19th century education.


 Estimate how far you could throw a stone from the top of the Kremlin palace. 


Note that

1.      The horizontal and vertical components of velocity at time t=0 follow as


2.      The components of the position of the particle at time t=0 are   

3.      The trajectory of the particle follows as


4.      When the particle hits the ground, its position vector is .  This must be on the trajectory, so


where  is the time of impact.  

5.      The two components of this vector equation gives us two equations for the two unknowns , which can be solved

Only the second solution in this list is relevant  the first has a negative impact time. 


For a rough estimate of the distance we can use the following numbers

1.      Height of Kremlin palace  71m

2.      Throwing velocity  maybe 25mph?  (pretty pathetic, I know - you can probably do better, especially if you are on the baseball team). 

3.      Throwing angle  45 degrees.

Substituting numbers gives 36m (118ft).

If you want to go wild, you can maximize D with respect to , but this won’t improve your estimate much.


Silicon nanoparticles with radius 20nm are in thermal motion near a flat surface.  At the surface, they have an average velocity , where m is their mass, T is the temperature and k=1.3806503 × 10-23  is the Boltzmann constant. Estimate the maximum height above the surface that a typical particle can reach during its thermal motion, assuming that the only force acting on the particles is gravity


1.      The particle will reach its maximum height if it happens to be traveling vertically, and does not collide with any other particles.

2.      At time t=0 such a particle has position  and velocity  

3.      For time t>0 the position vector of the particle follows as


Its velocity is


4.      When the particle reaches its maximum height, its velocity must be equal to zero (if you don’t see this by visualizing the motion of the particle, you can use the mathematical statement that if   is a maximum, then  ).  Therefore, at the instant of maximum height  

5.      This shows that the instant of max height occurs at time  

6.      Substituting this time back into the position vector shows that the position vector at max height is


7.      Si has a density of about 2330 kg/m^3. At room temperature (293K) we find that the distance is surprisingly large: 10mm or so.   Gravity is a very weak force at the nano-scale  surface forces acting between the particles, and the particles and the surface, are much larger.  


Example 2: Free vibration of a suspension system.

A vehicle suspension can be idealized as a mass m supported by a spring.  The spring has stiffness k and un-stretched length .  To test the suspension, the vehicle is constrained to move vertically, as shown in the figure. It is set in motion by stretching the spring to a length  and then releasing it (from rest).  Find an expression for the motion of the vehicle after it is released.


As an aside, it is worth noting that a particle idealization is usually too crude to model a vehicle  a rigid body approximation is much better.  In this case, however, we assume that the vehicle does not rotate. Under these conditions the equations of motion for a rigid body reduce to  and , and we shall find that we can analyze the system as if it were a particle.



1. Introduce variables to describe the motion: The length of the spring  is a convenient way to describe motion. 


2. Write down the position vector in terms of these variables:  We can take the origin at O as shown in the figure.  The position vector of the center of mass of the block is then



3. Differentiate the position vector with respect to time to find the acceleration. For this example, this is trivial



4. Draw a free body diagram.  The free body diagram is shown in the figure: the mass is subjected to the following forces

·         Gravity, acting at the center of mass of the vehicle

·         The force due to the spring

·         Reaction forces at each of the rollers that force the vehicle to move vertically.

Recall the spring force law, which says that the forces exerted by a spring act parallel to its length, tend to shorten the spring, and are proportional to the difference between the length of the spring and its un-stretched length. 



5. Write down Newton’s laws of motion. This is easy


The i and j components give two scalar equations of motion


6. Eliminate reactions  this is not needed in this example.


7. Identify initial conditionsThe initial conditions were given in this problem  at time t=0, we know that  and  


8. Solve the equations of motion. Again, we will first integrate the equations of motion by hand, and then repeat the calculation with MAPLE.  The equation of motion is


We can re-write this in terms of


This gives


We can separate variables and integrate


Don’t worry if the last line looks mysterious  writing the solution in this form just makes the algebra a bit simpler.  We can now integrate the velocity to find x


The integral on the left can be evaluated using the substitution


so that


Here’s the Mathematica solution (unfortunately the output format of mathematical is not designed for humans to read)

It doesn’t quite look the same as the hand calculation  but of course  so they really are the same.


The solution is plotted in the figure.  The behavior of vibrating systems will be discussed in more detail later in this course, but it is worth noting some features of the solution:

1.      The average position of the mass is .  Here, mg/k is the static deflection of the spring i.e. the deflection of the spring due to the weight of the vehicle (without motion). This means that the car vibrates symmetrically about its static deflection.

2.      The amplitude of vibration is .  This corresponds to the distance of the mass above its average position at time t=0.

3.      The period of oscillation (the time taken for one complete cycle of vibration) is  

4.      The frequency of oscillation (the number of cycles per second) is  (note f=1/T).  Frequency is also sometimes quoted as angular frequency, which is related to f  by .  Angular frequency is in radians per second.


An interesting feature of these results is that the static deflection is related to the frequency of oscillation - so if you measure the static deflection , you can calculate the (angular) vibration frequency as  




Example 3: Silly FE exam problem


This example shows how polar coordinates can be used to analyze motion. 


The rod shown in the picture rotates at constant angular speed in the horizontal plane.  The interface between block and rod has friction coefficient .  The rod pushes a block of mass m, which starts at r=0 with radial speed V.   Find an expression for r(t).



1.      Introduce variables to describe the motion  the polar coordinates  work for this problem


2.      Write down the position vector and differentiate to find acceleration  we don’t need to do this  we can just write down the standard result for polar coordinates



3.      Draw a free body diagram  shown in the figure  note that it is important to draw the friction force in the correct direction.  The block will slide radially outwards, and friction opposes the slip.


4.      Write down Newton’s law




5.      Eliminate reactions


F=ma gives two equations for N and T.   A third one comes from the friction law  


The last solution can be rearranged into an equation of motion for r



6.      Identify initial conditions Here, r=0  dr/dt=V at time t=0.


7.      Solve the equation: If you’ve taken AM33 you will know how to solve this equation…   But if not, or you are lazy, you can use Mathematica to solve it for you.

(if you are very comfortable with Mathematica,  you can have Mathematica solve the three equations and the ODE together  but the syntax to do this is very confusing to read, so we use the clearest approach here)

This can be simplified slightly by hand:




Example 4: Motion of a pendulum (R-rated version)


A pendulum is a ubiquitous engineering system. You are, of course, familiar with how a pendulum can be used to measure time.  But it’s used for a variety of other scientific applications.  For example, Professor Crisco’s lab uses pendulum to measure properties of human joints, see

Crisco Joseph J; Fujita Lindsey; Spenciner David B, ‘The dynamic flexion/extension properties of the lumbar spine in vitro using a novel pendulum system.’ Journal of biomechanics 2007;40(12):2767-73


In this example, we will work through the basic problem of deriving and solving the equations of motion for a pendulum, neglecting air resistance.


1. Introduce variables to describe motion:   The angle    shown in the figure is a convenient variable.



2. Write down the position vector as a function of the variables We introduce a Cartesian coordinate system with origin at O, as shown in the picture.


Elementary geometry shows that  


Note that we have assumed that the cable remains straight  this will be true as long as the internal force in the cable is tensile.  If calculations predict that the internal force is compressive, this assumption is wrong.  But there is no way to check the assumption at this point so we simply proceed, and check the answer at the end


3. Differentiate the position vector to find the acceleration: The computer makes this painless. 



4. The free body diagram is shown in the figure.   The force exerted by the cable on the particle is introduced as an unknown reaction force.  The force vector is



5. Newton’s laws of motion can be expressed as


Equating the i and j components gives two equations for the two unknowns



6. Eliminate the reaction forces.  In this problem, it is helpful to eliminate the unknown reaction force R.  You can do this on the computer if you like, but in this case it is simpler to do this by hand.  You can simply multiply the first equation by  and the second equation by  and then add them.   This yields



7. Identify initial conditions. Some calculations are necessary to determine the initial conditions in this problem.  We are given that  at time t=0, and the horizontal velocity is  at time t=0, but to solve the equation of motion, we need the value of .  We can find the relationship we need by differentiating the position vector to find the velocity


Setting  and  at t=0 shows that




8. Solve the equations of motion  This equation of motion is too difficult for Mathematica (it can come close to getting a solution if you don’t specify any initial conditions) but actually the solution does exist and is very well known  this is a classic problem in mathematical physics.  With initial conditions  the solution is


The first solution describes swinging motion of the pendulum, while the second solution describes the motion that occurs if you push the pendulum so hard that it whirls around on the pivot. The equations may look scary, but you can simply use MAPLE to calculate and plot them.

  1. In the first equation,
     is a special function called the `sin amplitude.’  You can think of it as a sort of trig function for adults
     in fact for  k=0,
     and we recover the PG version.   You can compute it in Mathematica using JacobiSN[x,k]
  2. Similarly,
     is a function called the `Amplitude.’  You can calculate it in MAPLE using ‘JacobiAmplitude[x,k]’ In Mathematica, the am function has range
    , so the solution predicts that as the pendulum whirls around the pivot, the angle
     increases from 0 to
    , then jumps to
    , increases to
     again, and so on. 


You might have solved the pendulum problem already in an elementary physics course, and might remember a different solution.  This is because you probably only derived an approximate solution, by assuming that the angle  remains small.   This occurs when the initial velocity satisfies , in which case the solution can be approximated by





3.3.3 Numerical solutions to equations of motion using MATLAB


In the preceding section, we were able to solve all our equations of motion exactly, and hence to find formulas that describe the motion of the system.  This should give you a warm and fuzzy feeling  it appears that with very little work, you can predict everything about the motion of the system.  You may even have visions of running a consulting business from your yacht in the Caribbean, with nothing more than your chef, your masseur (or masseuse) and a laptop with a copy of Mathematica


Unfortunately real life is not so simple.   Equations of motion for most engineering systems cannot be solved exactly.  Even very simple problems, such as calculating the effects of air resistance on the trajectory of a particle, cannot be solved exactly.


For nearly all practical problems, the equations of motion need to be solved numerically, by using a computer to calculate values for the position, velocity and acceleration of the system as functions of time. Vast numbers of computer programs have been written for this purpose  some focus on very specialized applications, such as calculating orbits for spacecraft (STK); calculating motion of atoms in a material (LAMMPS); solving fluid flow problems (e.g. fluent, CFDRC); or analyzing deformation in solids (e.g. ABAQUS, ANSYS, NASTRAN, DYNA); others are more general purpose equation solving programs.


In this course we will use a general purpose program called MATLAB, which is widely used in all engineering applications.  You should complete the MATLAB tutorial before proceeding any further.


In the remainder of this section, we provide a number of examples that illustrate how MATLAB can be used to solve dynamics problems.   Each example illustrates one or more important technique for setting up or solving equations of motion.



Example 1: Trajectory of a particle near the earth’s surface (with air resistance)


As a simple example we set up MATLAB to solve the particle trajectory problem discussed in the preceding section.  We will extend the calculation to account for the effects of air resistance, however.   We will assume that our projectile is spherical, with diameter D, and we will assume that there is no wind.  You may find it helpful to review the discussion of aerodynamic drag forces in Section 2.1.7 before proceeding with this example.


1. Introduce variables to describe the motion: We can simply use the Cartesian coordinates of the particle   


2. Write down the position vector in terms of these variables:  


3. Differentiate the position vector with respect to time to find the acceleration. Simple calculus gives




4. Draw a free body diagram.  The particle is now subjected to two forces, as shown in the picture.


Gravity  as always we have .



Air resistance. 


The magnitude of the air drag force is given by , where

·           is the air density,

·          is the drag coefficient,

·         D is the projectile’s diameter, and

·          is the magnitude of the projectile’s velocity relative to the air. Since we assumed the air is stationary, V is simply the magnitude of the particle’s velocity, i.e.



The Direction of the air drag force is always opposite to the direction of motion of the projectile through the air.  In this case the air is stationary, so the drag force is simply opposite to the direction of the particle’s velocity.   Note that  is a unit vector parallel to the particle’s velocity.  The drag force vector is therefore



The total force vector is therefore




5. Write down Newton’s laws of motion.


It is helpful to simplify the equation by defining a specific drag coefficient , so that


The vector equation actually represents three separate differential equations of motion



6. Eliminate reactions  this is not needed in this example.


7. Identify initial conditionsThe initial conditions were given in this problem - we have that



8. Solve the equations of motion.  We can’t use the magic ‘dsolve’ command in MAPLE to solve this equation  it has no known exact solution.  So instead, we use MATLAB to generate a numerical solution.


This takes two steps.  First, we must turn the equations of motion into a form that MATLAB can use.  This means we must convert the equations into first-order vector valued differential equation of the general form .  Then, we must write a MATLAB script to integrate the equations of motion.


Converting the equations of motion:  We can’t solve directly for (x,y,z), because these variables get differentiated more than once with respect to time.   To fix this, we introduce the time derivatives of (x,y,z) as new unknown variables.   In other words, we will solve for , where


These definitions are three new equations of motion relating our unknown variables.   In addition, we can re-write our original equations of motion as


So, expressed as a vector valued differential equation, our equations of motion are



MATLAB script.  The procedure for solving these equations is discussed in the MATLAB tutorial.  A basic MATLAB script is listed below.


function trajectory_3d

% Function to plot trajectory of a projectile

% launched from position X0 with velocity V0

% with specific air drag coefficient c

% stop_time specifies the end of the calculation


g = 9.81; % gravitational accel

c=0.5; % The constant c

X0=0; Y0=0; Z0=0; % The initial position

VX0=10; VY0=10; VZ0=20;

stop_time = 5;


initial_w = [X0,Y0,Z0,VX0,VY0,VZ0]; % The solution at t=0


[times,sols] = ode45(@eom,[0,stop_time],initial_w);


plot3(sols(:,1),sols(:,2),sols(:,3)) % Plot the trajectory


function dwdt = eom(t,w)

% Variables stored as follows w = [x,y,z,vx,vy,vz]

% i.e. x = w(1), y=w(2), z=w(3), etc

   x = w(1); y=w(2); z=w(3);

   vx = w(4); vy = w(5); vz = w(6);

   vmag = sqrt(vx^2+vy^2+vz^2);

   dxdt = vx; dydt = vy; dzdt = vz;

   dvxdt = -c*vmag*vx;

   dvydt = -c*vmag*vy;

   dvzdt = -c*vmag*vz-g;

   dwdt = [dxdt;dydt;dzdt;dvxdt;dvydt;dvzdt];






This produces a plot that looks like this (the plot’s been edited to add the grid,etc)






Example 2: Simple satellite orbit calculation


The figure shows satellite with mass m orbiting a planet with mass M.  At time t=0 the satellite has position vector  and velocity vector .  The planet’s motion may be neglected (this is accurate as long as M>>m). Calculate and plot the orbit of the satellite.


1. Introduce variables to describe the motion: We will use the (x,y) coordinates of the satellite.


2. Write down the position vector in terms of these variables:  


3. Differentiate the position vector with respect to time to find the acceleration.



4. Draw a free body diagram.  The satellite is subjected to a gravitational force.

The magnitude of the force is , where

·          is the gravitational constant, and

·          is the distance between the planet and the satellite


The direction of the force is always towards the origin:   is therefore a unit vector parallel to the direction of the force.   The total force acting on the satellite is therefore



5. Write down Newton’s laws of motion.


The vector equation represents two separate differential equations of motion



6. Eliminate reactions  this is not needed in this example.


7. Identify initial conditionsThe initial conditions were given in this problem - we have that



8. Solve the equations of motion.  We follow the usual procedure: (i) convert the equations into MATLAB form; and (ii) code a MATLAB script to solve them.


Converting the equations of motion:  We introduce the time derivatives of (x,y) as new unknown variables.   In other words, we will solve for , where


These definitions are new equations of motion relating our unknown variables.   In addition, we can re-write our original equations of motion as


So, expressed as a vector valued differential equation, our equations of motion are



Matlab script: Here’s a simple script to solve these equations.


function satellite_orbit

% Function to plot orbit of a satellite

% launched from position (R,0) with velocity (0,V)






w0 = [R,0,0,V]; % Initial conditions


[t_values,w_values] = ode45(@odefunc,[0,time],w0);




function dwdt = odefunc(t,w)

   x=w(1); y=w(2); vx=w(3); vy=w(4);
   r = sqrt(x^2+y^2);

   dwdt = [vx;vy;-GM*x/r^3;-GM*y/r^3];







Running the script produces the result shown (the plot was annotated by hand)


Do we believe this result?   It is a bit surprising  the satellite seems to be spiraling in towards the planet.   Most satellites don’t do this  so the result is a bit suspicious.   The First Law of Scientific Computing states that ` if a computer simulation predicts a result that surprises you, it is probably wrong.’


So how can we test our computation?   There are two good tests:

1.      Look for any features in the simulation that you can predict without computation, and compare your predictions with those of the computer.

2.      Try to find a special choice of system parameters for which you can derive an exact solution to your problem, and compare your result with the computer

We can use both these checks here.


1. Conserved quantities  For this particular problem, we know that (i) the total energy of the system should be constant; and (ii) the angular momentum of the system about the planet should be constant (these conservation laws will be discussed in the next chapter  for now, just take this as given).  The total energy of the system consists of the potential energy and kinetic energy of the satellite, and can be calculated from the formula


The total angular momentum of the satellite (about the origin) can be calculated from the formula


(If you don’t know these formulas, don’t panic  we will discuss energy and angular momentum in the next part of the course)


We can have MATLAB plot E/m and , and see if these are really conserved.  The energy and momentum can be calculated by adding these lines to the MATLAB script




for i =1:length(t)

     r = sqrt(w_values(i,1)^2 + w_values(i,2)^2)

     vmag = sqrt(w_values(i,1)^2 + w_values(i,2)^2)

energy(i) = -GM/r + vmag^2/2;

angularm(i) = w_values(i,1)*w_values(i,4)-w_values(i,2)*w_values(i,3);



You can then plot the results (e.g. plot(t_values,energy)).  The results are shown below.

These results look really bad  neither energy, nor angular momentum, are conserved in the simulation.  Something is clearly very badly wrong.


Comparison to exact solution: It is not always possible to find a convenient exact solution, but in this case, we might guess that some special initial conditions could set the satellite moving on a circular path.  A circular path might be simple enough to analyze by hand.  So let’s assume that the path is circular, and try to find the necessary initial conditions. If you still remember the circular motion formulas, you could use them to do this.  But only morons use formulas  here we will derive the solution from scratch. Note that, for a circular path

(a) the particle’s radius r=constant.  In fact, we know r=R, from the position at time t=0.

(b) The satellite must move at constant speed, and the angle  must increase linearly with time, i.e.  where  is a constant (see section 3.1.3 to review motion at constant speed around a circle).

With this information we can solve the equations of motion.   Recall that the position, velocity and acceleration vectors for a particle traveling at constant speed around a circle are


We know that  from the initial conditions, and  is constant. This tells us that


Finally, we can substitute this into Newton’s law


Both components of the equation of motion are satisfied if we choose


So, if we choose initial values of  satisfying this equation, the orbit will be circular.  In fact, our original choice,  should have given a circular orbit.  It did not.  Again, this means our computer generated solution is totally wrong.




Fixing the problem:  In general, when computer predictions are suspect, we need to check the following

1.      Is there an error in our MATLAB program?  This is nearly always the cause of the problem.  In this case, however, the program is correct (it’s too simple to get wrong, even for me).

2.      There may be something wrong with our equations of motion (because we made a mistake in the derivation).  This would not explain the discrepancy between the circular orbit we predict and the simulation, since we used the same equations in both cases.

3.      Is the MATLAB solution sufficiently accurate?  Remember that by default the ODE solver tries to give a solution that has 0.1% error.  This may not be good enough.  So we can try solving the problem again, but with better accuracy.  We can do this by modifying the MATLAB call to the equation solver as follows

options = odeset('RelTol',0.00001);

[t_values,w_vlues] = ode45(@odefunc,[0,time],w0,options);

  1. Is there some feature of the equation of motion that makes them especially difficult to solve? In this case we might have to try a different equation solver, or try a different way to set up the problem.


The figure on the right shows the orbit predicted with the better accuracy.  You can see there is no longer any problem  the orbit is perfectly circular.   The figures below plot the energy and angular momentum predicted by the computer.


There is a small change in energy and angular momentum but the rate of change has been reduced dramatically.   We can make the error smaller still by using improving the tolerances further, if this is needed.  But the changes in energy and angular momentum are only of order 0.01% over a large number of orbits: this would be sufficiently accurate for most practical applications.


Most ODE solvers are purposely designed to lose a small amount of energy as the simulation proceeds, because this helps to make them more stable.  But in some applications this is unacceptable  for example in a molecular dynamic simulation where we are trying to predict the entropic response of a polymer, or a free vibration problem where we need to run the simulation for an extended period of time.  There are special ODE solvers that will conserve energy exactly.



Example 3: Earthquake response of a 2-storey building


The figure shows a very simple idealization of a 2-storey building.   The roof and second floor are idealized as blocks with mass m.  They are supported by structural columns, which can be idealized as springs with stiffness k and unstretched length L.   At time t=0 the floors are at rest and the columns have lengths  (can you show this?).  We will neglect the thickness of the floors themselves, to keep things simple.


For time t>0, an earthquake makes the ground vibrate vertically. The ground motion can be described using the equation .  Horizontal motion may be neglected. Our goal is to calculate the motion of the first and second floor of the building.



It is worth noting a few points about this problem:

1.      You may be skeptical that the floor of a building can be idealized as a particle (then again, maybe you couldn’t care less…).    If so, you are right  it certainly is not a `small’ object.   However, because the floors move vertically without rotation, the rigid body equations of motion simply reduce to   and M=0, where the moments are taken about the center of mass of the block.  The floors behave as though they are particles, even though they are very large.

2.      Real earthquakes involve predominantly horizontal, not vertical motion of the ground.  In addition, structural columns resist extensional loading much more strongly than transverse loading.  So we should really be analyzing horizontal motion of the building rather than vertical motion.  However, the free body diagrams for horizontal motion are messy (see if you can draw them) and the equations of motion for vertical and horizontal motion turn out to be the same, so we consider vertical motion to keep things simple.

3.      This problem could be solved analytically (e.g. using the `dsolve’ feature of MAPLE)  a numerical solution is not necessary.  Try this for yourself.


1. Introduce variables to describe the motion: We will use the height of each floor  as the variables.


2. Write down the position vector in terms of these variables: We now have to worry about two masses, and must write down the position vector of both


Note that we must measure the position of each mass from a fixed point.



3. Differentiate the position vector with respect to time to find the acceleration.



4. Draw a free body diagram. We must draw a free body diagram for each mass. The resultant force acting on the bottom and top masses, respectively, are



We will have to find the spring lengths  in terms of our coordinates  to solve the problem.   Geometry shows that



5. Write down Newton’s laws of motion.  F=ma for each mass gives


This is two equations of motion  we can substitute for  and rearrange them as



6. Eliminate reactions  this is not needed in this example.


7. Identify initial conditions. We know that, at time t=0



8. Solve the equations of motion. We need to (i) reduce the equations to the standard MATLAB form and (ii) write a MATLAB script to solve them.


Converting the equations.  We now need to do two things: (a) remove the second derivatives with respect to time, by introducing new variables; and (b) rearrange the equations into the form .  We remove the derivatives by introducing  as additional unknown variables, in the usual way.   Our equations of motion can then be expressed as



We can now code MATLAB to solve these equations directly for dy/dt.  A script (which plots the position of each floor as a function of time) is shown below.

function building








g = 9.81;

w0 = [L-m*g/k,2*L-3*m*g/(2*k),0,0];

[t_values,w_values] = ode45(@eom,[0,time],w0);



function dwdt = eom(t,w)






dwdt = [v1;v2;...





The figures below plot the height of each floor as a function of time, for various earthquake frequencies.  For special earthquake frequencies (near the two resonant frequencies of the structure) the building vibrations are very severe.   As long as the structure is designed so that its resonant frequencies are well away from the frequency of a typical earthquake, it will be safe.


We will discuss vibrations in much more detail later in this course.







Example 4: The dreaded pendulum revisited (apologies…)


You may have lost interest in pendulum problems by now.  Bear with us, however- it is a convenient example that illustrates how to solve problems with constraints.


So we re-visit the problem shown in the figure.  This time, we will describe the system using (x,y) coordinates of the mass instead of the inclination of the cable. 



1. Introduce variables to describe the motion: We will use the position of the mouse relative to point O  as the variables. 


2. Write down the position vector in terms of these variables:


Note that we’ve chosen j to point vertically downwards


3. Differentiate the position vector with respect to time to find the acceleration.


4. Draw a free body diagram. We can use the FBD we drew earlier.  The force must now be expressed in terms of x and y instead of , however.  Simple trig shows that


The resultant force is therefore



5. Write down Newton’s laws of motion.  F=ma gives


This is two equations of motion  we can rearrange them as




6. Eliminate reactions We could eliminate R if we wanted  but this time we won’t bother.  Instead, we will carry R along as an additional unknown, and use MATLAB to calculate it. 


7. If there are more unknown variables than equations of motion, look for constraint equationsWe now have three unknowns (x,y,R) but only two equations of motion (eliminating R in step 6 won’t help  in this case we will have two unknowns but only one equation of motion).  So we need to look for an additional equation somewhere.  


The reason we’re missing an equation is that we took x,y to be arbitrary  but of course the mouse has to remain attached to the cable at all times.   This means that his distance from O is fixed i.e.


This is the missing equation.


We could, if we wanted, use this equation to eliminate one of our unknown variables (doing the algebra by hand).   Instead, however, we will use MATLAB to do this for us.  For this purpose, we need to turn the equation into a constraint on the accelerations, instead of the position of the particle.  To get such an equation, we can differentiate both sides of the constraint with respect to time


This is now a constraint on the velocity. Differentiating again gives


Again  if you have trouble doing the derivatives, just use MAPLE (don’t forget to specify that x, y are functions of time, i.e. enter them as x(t), y(t) when typing the constraint formula into MAPLE).


[Aside  when I first coded this problem I tried to constrain the velocity of the particle, instead of the acceleration.   This doesn’t work (as I should have known), and produces some rather interesting MATLAB errors  if you are curious, try it and see what happens.  If you are even more curious, you might like to think about why you need to constrain accelerations and not velocities.] 


7. Identify initial conditions. We know that, at time t=0



8. Solve the equations of motion. We need to (i) reduce the equations to the standard MATLAB form and (ii) write a MATLAB script to solve them.


In the usual way, we introduce  as additional unknowns. Our set of unknown variables is .   The equations of motion, together with the constraint equation, can be expressed as


This can be expressed as a matrix equation for an unknown vector  


We can now use MATLAB to solve the equations for the unknown time derivatives , together with the reaction force R.   Here’s a MATLAB script that integrates the equations of motion and plots (x,y) as a function of time.  Notice that, because we don’t need to integrate R with respect to time, the function ‘eom’ only needs to return .  

function pendulum


g = 9.81;




w0 = [0,l,V0,0]; % Initial conditions

[t_values,w_values] = ode45(@eom,[0,time],w0);



function dwdt = eom(t,w)

% The vector w contains [x,y,vx,vy]


M = eye(5); % This sets up a 5x5 matrix with 1s on all the diags

M(3,5) = (x/m)/sqrt(x^2+y^2);

M(4,5) = (y/m)/sqrt(x^2+y^2);

M(5,3) = x;

M(5,4) = y;

M(5,5) = 0;

f = [vx;vy;0;g;-vx^2-vy^2];

sol = M\f; % This solves the matrix equation M*[dydt,R]=f for [dwdt,R]

dwdt = sol(1:4); % only need to return time derivatives dw/dt




Final remarks: In general, it is best to avoid using constraint equations  it makes the problem harder to set up, and harder for MATLAB to solve.   Sometimes they are unavoidable, however  in some cases you might not see how to identify a suitable set of independent coordinates; and there are some systems (a rolling wheel is the most common example) for which a set of independent coordinates do not exist.  These are given the fancy name `non-holonomic systems’  mentioning that you happen to be an expert on non-holonomic systems during a romantic candle-light dinner is sure to impress your dates.



3.3.4 Case Study - Simple model of a vehicle


As a representative application of the methods outlined in the preceding section, we will set up and solve the equations of motion for a very simple idealization of a vehicle.  This happens to be an example of a non-holonomic system (sorry we aren’t at a romantic dinner).  Don’t worry if the model looks rather scary  this calculation is more advanced than anything you would be expected to do at this stage of your career…  Our goal is to illustrate how the method we’ve developed in this section can be applied to a real engineering system of interest.   You should be able to follow and understand the procedure.


The figure shows how the vehicle is idealized. Here are a few remarks:

1.      We consider only 2D planar motion of the vehicle

2.      For simplicity we assume the vehicle has only two wheels, one at the front and one at the rear.  (It’s not a motorcycle, however, because we won’t account for the vehicle leaning around corners)

3.      The car is idealized as a particle with mass m supported on a massless chassis with wheelbase L.

4.      Aerodynamic drag forces are assumed to act directly on the particle.

5.      The most complicated and important part of a vehicle dynamics model is the description of how the wheels interact with the road.  Here, we will just assume that

a.       The front and rear of the vehicle have to move in a direction perpendicular to each wheel’s axle. Reaction forces must act on each wheel parallel to the axle in order to enforce this constraint (see the FBD).

b.      In addition, we assume that the vehicle has rear-wheel drive. This is modeled as a prescribed force  exerted by the ground on the rear wheel, acting parallel to the rolling direction of the wheel (see the FBD).

c.       The front wheel is assumed to roll freely and have negligible mass  this means that the contact force acting on the wheel must be perpendicular to its rolling direction (see the FBD). The vehicle is steered by rotating the front wheel through an angle  with respect to the chassis.

This is a vastly over-simplified model of wheel/road interaction  for example, it predicts that the car can never skid.  If you are interested in extending this calculation to a more realistic model, ask us… We’d be happy to give you better equations!




1. Introduce variables to describe the motion: We will use the (x,y) coordinates of car and its orientation  as the variables.


2. Write down the position vector in terms of these variables:  


3. Differentiate the position vector with respect to time to find the acceleration.




4. Draw a free body diagram. The vehicle is subjected to (i) a thrust force P and a lateral reaction force  acting on the rear wheel, (ii) a lateral reaction force  acting on the front wheel, and a drag force  acting at the center of mass.


The drag force is related to the vehicle’s velocity by


where c is a drag coefficient.  For a more detailed discussion of drag forces see the first example in this section.


The resultant force on the vehicle is


Because we are modeling the motion of the vehicle’s chassis, which can rotate, we must also consider the moments acting on the chassis.  You should be able to verify for yourself that the resultant moment of all the forces about the particle is



5. Write down Newton’s laws of motion.  F=ma gives


This gives two equations of motion; the condition M=0 for the chassis gives one more. 



6. Eliminate reactions  It’s easier to eliminate them with MATLAB.


7. If there are more unknown variables than equations of motion, look for constraint equations. This is the hard part of this application.    We have two unknown reaction forces, so we need to find two constraint equations that will determine them.   These are (i) that the rear of the vehicle must move perpendicular to the axle of the rear wheel; and (ii) the front of the vehicle must move perpendicular to the axle of the front wheel.  Consider the rear wheel:

1.      Note that the position vector of the rear wheel is  

2.      The velocity follows as  

3.      Note that  is a unit vector parallel to the axle of the rear wheel.

4.      For the rear of the vehicle to move perpendicular to the rear axle, we must have . This shows that


Similarly, for the front wheel, we can show that


where we have used the trig formula .


We need to re-write these equations as constraints on the acceleration of the vehicle.  To do this, we differentiate both constraints with respect to time, to see that




7. Identify initial conditions: We will assume that the vehicle starts at rest, with



7. Solve the equations of motionWe need to write the equations of motion in a suitable matrix form for MATLAB.  We need to eliminate all the second derivatives with respect to time from the equations of motion, by introducing new variables.  To do this, we define


as new variables, and then solve for .  We also need to eliminate the unknown reactions.   It is not hard to show that the equations of motion, in matrix form, are




Finally, we can type these into MATLAB  here’s a simple script that solves the equations of motion and plots the (x,y) coordinates of the car to show its path, and also plots the speed of the car as a function of time.  The example simulates a drunk-driver, who steers with steering angle , and drives with his or her foot to the floor with P=constant. 



function drivemycar






y0 = [0,0,0,0,0,0];

options = odeset('RelTol',0.00001);

[t_vals,w_vals] = ode45(@eom,[0,time],y0,options);



    function [alpha,dadt,P]=driver(t)

        % This function behaves like the driver of the car -

        % at time t it returns the steering angle alpha

        % dalpha/dt and the driving force P


        alpha = 0.1+0.2*sin(t);

        dadt = 0.2*cos(t);

        P = 0.2;




function dwdt = eom(t,w)

% Equations of motion for the vehicle



[alpha,dadt,P] = driver(t); % Find out what the driver is doing

M = zeros(8); % This sets up a 8x8 matrix full of zeros

M(1,1) = 1;

M(2,2) = 1;

M(3,3) = 1;

M(4,4) = m;














v = sqrt(w(4)^2+w(5)^2);

f = [w(4);








sol = M\f; % This solves the matrix equation M*[dwdt,R]=f for [dwdt,R]

dwdt = sol(1:6); % only need to return time derivatives dw/dt

