4.2 Linear impulse-momentum relations




4.2.1 Definition of the linear impulse of a force

In most dynamic problems, particles are subjected to forces that vary with time.  We can write this mathematically by saying that the force is a vector valued function of time .  If we express the force as components in a fixed basis , then


where each component of the force is a function of time.


The Linear Impulse exerted by a force during a time interval  is defined as


The linear impulse is a vector, and can be expressed as components in a basis



If you know the force as a function of time, you can calculate its impulse using simple calculus.  For example:

1.      For a constant force, with vector value , the impulse is  

2.      For a harmonic force of the form  the impulse is



It is rather rare in practice to have to calculate the impulse of a force from its time variation.



4.2.2 Definition of the linear momentum of a particle


The linear momentum of a particle is simply the product of its mass and velocity


The linear momentum is a vector  its direction is parallel to the velocity of the particle.



4.2.3 Impulse-momentum relations for a single particle


* Consider a particle that is subjected to a force  for a time interval .

* Let  denote the impulse exerted by F on the particle

* Let  denote the change in linear momentum during the time interval .


The momentum conservation equation can be expressed either in differential or integral form. 

1.      In differential form


This is clearly just a different way of writing Newton’s law F=ma.


2.      In integral form


This is the integral of Newton’s law of motion with respect to time.


The impulse-momentum relations for a single particle are useful if you need to calculate the change in velocity of an object that is subjected to a prescribed force.



4.2.4 Examples using impulse-momentum relations for a single particle


Example 1: Estimate the time that it takes for a Ferrari Testarossa traveling at the RI speed limit to make an emergency stop. (Like many textbook problems this one is totally unrealistic  nobody in a Ferrari is going to travel at the speed limit!)


We can do this calculation using the impulse-momentum relation for a single particle.  Assume that the car has mass m, and travels with speed V before the brakes are applied.  Let  denote the time required to stop.

1.      Start by estimating the force acting on the car during an emergency stop.  The figure shows a free body diagram for the car as it brakes to a standstill.   We assume that the driver brakes hard enough to lock the wheels, so that the car skids over the road.  The horizontal friction forces must oppose the sliding, as shown in the picture.  F=ma for the car follows as


The vertical component of the equation of motion shows that  .  The friction law then shows that  

2.      The force acting on the car is constant, so the impulse that brings the car to a halt is


3.      The linear momentum of the car before the brakes are applied is .   The linear momentum after the car stops is zero.  Therefore, .

4.      The linear impulse-momentum relation shows that


5.      We can take the friction coefficient as , and 65mph is 29m/s. We take the gravitational acceleration . The time follows as .   Note that a testarossa can’t stop any faster than a Honda Civic, despite the price difference…

Example 2: The figure shows a pendulum that swings with frequency f swings per second. Find an expression for the average reaction force at the pivot of a pendulum during one cycle of oscillation. (This seems a totally academic problem  and indeed it is  but the important point is that certain quantities, such as average forces, can often be computed without solving the full equations of motion.   These quantities can be extremely useful for checking computer simulations)


Calculation: Consider the pendulum at the extreme limits of its swing, at the start and end of one cycle of oscillation.   Note that

1.      The velocity of the particle is zero both at the start and end of the cycle.  Its change in momentum is therefore zero, and the total impulse exerted on the particle must be zero.

2.      The particle is subjected to two forces (i) gravity; and (ii) the reaction force exerted on the particle. During a swing of the pendulum these forces exert impulses , , respectively.

3.      The impulse exerted by the gravitational force is  where  is the time for one complete swing of the pendulum.

4.      Since the total impulse is zero, it follows that  


The MATLAB script below shows how this result can be used to check the program developed in Section ???? to model the swing of a pendulum.


function pendulum_reactions


g = 9.81;

l = 1;

m = 1;

theta = pi*45/180;

time = 10;

Abstol = 10^(-03)*ones(4,1);

options = odeset('RelTol',0.000001,'AbsTol',Abstol,'Events',@event);

y0 = [l*sin(theta),l*cos(theta),0,0]; % Initial conditions

[t,y,tevent,yevent,ievent] = ode45(@eom,[0,time],y0,options);%,options);



% Calculate and plot the reaction forces as a function of time

for i=1:length(t)

    [Reaction(i,1),Reaction(i,2)] = reactions(y(i,:));




% Integrate the reaction forces with respect to time

Ix = trapz(t,Reaction(:,1))

Iy = trapz(t,Reaction(:,2))


AverageRy = trapz(t,Reaction(:,2))/time(length(t))


function dydt = eom(t,y)

% The vector y contains [x,y,vx,vy]

M = eye(5); % This sets up a 5x5 matrix with 1s on all the diags

M(3,5) = (y(1)/m)/sqrt(y(1)^2+y(2)^2);

M(4,5) = (y(2)/m)/sqrt(y(1)^2+y(2)^2);

M(5,3) = y(1);

M(5,4) = y(2);

M(5,5) = 0;

f = [y(3);y(4);0;g;-y(3)^2-y(4)^2];

sol = M\f; % This solves the matrix equation M*[dydt,R]=f for [dydt,R]

dydt = sol(1:4); % only need to return time derivatives dy/dt



function [Rx,Ry] = reactions(y)

% This function calculates the reaction forces Rx, Ry, given the vector

% y containing [x,y,vx,vy]

M = eye(5); % This sets up a 5x5 matrix with 1s on all the diags

M(3,5) = (y(1)/m)/sqrt(y(1)^2+y(2)^2);

M(4,5) = (y(2)/m)/sqrt(y(1)^2+y(2)^2);

M(5,3) = y(1);

M(5,4) = y(2);

M(5,5) = 0;

f = [y(3);y(4);0;g;-y(3)^2-y(4)^2];

sol = M\f; % This solves the matrix equation M*[dydt,R]=f for [dydt,R]

Rx = -sol(5)*y(1)/sqrt(y(1)^2+y(2)^2);

Ry = -sol(5)*y(2)/sqrt(y(1)^2+y(2)^2);



function [eventvalue,stopthecalc,eventdirection] = event(t,y)

% Function to stop the calculation after one swing

% Note that v_x=0 at the end of the swing and crosses zero from above

  eventvalue = y(3);

  stopthecalc = 1; % This stops the calculation

  eventdirection = -1;





4.2.5 Impulse-momentum relation for a system of particles

Suppose we are interested in calculating the motion of several particles, sketched in the figure. 


Total external impulse on a system of particles: Each particle in the system can experience forces applied by:

 * Other particles in the system (e.g. due to gravity, electric charges on the particles, or because the particles are physically connected through springs, or because the particles collide).  We call these internal forces acting in the system.  We will denote the internal force exerted by the ith particle on the jth particle by  .  Note that, because every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the force exerted on the jth particle by the ith particle must be equal and opposite, to , i.e. .


* Forces exerted on the particles by the outside world (e.g. by externally applied gravitational or electromagnetic fields, or because the particles are connected to the outside world through mechanical linkages or springs).  We call these external forces acting on the system, and we will denote the external force on the i th particle by  


We define the total impulse exerted on the system during a time interval  as the sum of all the impulses on all the particles.  It’s easy to see that the total impulse due to the internal forces is zero  because the ith and jth particles must exert equal and opposite impulses on one another, and when you add them up they cancel out.   So the total impulse on the system is simply



Total linear momentum of a system of particles: The total linear momentum of a system of particles is simply the sum of the momenta of all the particles, i.e.






The impulse-momentum equation can be expressed either in differential or integral form, just as for a single particle: 

1.      In differential form


This is clearly just a different way of writing Newton’s law F=ma.

2.      In integral form


This is the integral of Newton’s law of motion with respect to time.


Conservation of momentum: If no external forces act on a system of particles, their total linear momentum is conserved, i.e.   




4.2.6 Examples of applications of momentum conservation for systems of particles


The impulse-momentum equations for systems of particles are particularly useful for (i) analyzing the recoil of a gun; and (ii) analyzing rocket and jet propulsion systems.  In both these applications, the internal forces acting between the gun on the projectile, or the motor and propellant, are much larger than any external forces, so the total momentum of the system is conserved. 

Example 1: Estimate the recoil velocity of a rifle (youtube abounds with recoil demonstrations  see. e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4juEIK_zRM for samples.  Be warned, however  a lot of the videos are tasteless and/or sexist… )


The recoil velocity can be estimated by noting that the total momentum of bullet and rifle together must be conserved.  If we can estimate the mass of rifle and bullet, and the bullet’s velocity, the recoil velocity can be computed from the momentum conservation equation.



1.      The mass of a typical 0.22 (i.e. 0.22” diameter) caliber rifle bullet is about  kg (idealizing the bullet as a sphere, with density 7860  )

2.      The muzzle velocity of a 0.22 is about 1000 ft/sec (305 m/s)

3.      A typical rifle weighs between 5 and 10 lb (2.5-5 kg)



1.      Let  denote the bullet mass, and let  denote the mass of the rifle.

2.      The rifle and bullet are idealized as two particles.  Before firing, both are at rest.  After firing, the bullet has velocity ; the rifle has velocity

3.      External forces acting on the system can be neglected, so


4.      Substituting numbers gives |V| between 0.04 and 0.08 m/s (about 0.14 ft/sec)



Example 2: Derive a formula that can be used to estimate the mass of a handgun required to keep its recoil within acceptable limits.   


The preceding example shows that the firearm will recoil with a velocity that depends on the ratio of the mass of the bullet to the firearm.  The firearm must be brought to rest by the person holding it.



1.      We will idealize a person’s hand holding the gun as a spring, with stiffness k, fixed at one end.  The ‘end-point stiffness’ of a human hand has been extensively studied  see, e.g. Shadmehr et al J. Neuroscience, 13 (1) 45 (1993).  Typical values of stiffness during quasi-static deflections are of order 0.2 N/mm. During dynamic loading stiffnesses are likely to be larger than this.

2.      We idealize the handgun and bullet as particles, with mass  and , respectively.



1.      The preceding problem shows that the firearm will recoil with velocity  

2.      Energy conservation can be used to calculate the recoil distance.  We consider the firearm and the hand holding it a system.  At time t=0 it has zero potential energy; and has kinetic energy .  At the end of the recoil, the gun is at rest, and the spring is fully compressed  the kinetic energy is zero, and potential energy is .  Energy conservation gives  

3.      The required mass follows as

4.      Substituting numbers gives


 Example 4 Rocket propulsion equations. Rocket motors and jet engines exploit the momentum conservation law in order to produce motion.  They work by expelling mass from a vehicle at very high velocity, in a direction opposite to the motion of the vehicle.   The momentum of the expelled mass must be balanced by an equal and opposite change in the momentum of the vehicle; so the velocity of the vehicle increases.


Analyzing a rocket engine is quite complicated, because the propellant carried by the engine is usually a  very significant fraction of the total mass of the vehicle.  Consequently, it is important to account for the fact that the mass decreases as the propellant is used.



1.      The figure shows a rocket motor attached to a rocket with mass M.

2.      The rocket motor contains an initial mass  of propellant and expels propellant at rate  (kg/sec) with a velocity  relative to the rocket.

3.      We assume straight line motion, and assume that no external forces act on the rocket or motor.




The figure shows the rocket at an instant of time t, and then a very short time interval dt later.

1.      At time t, the rocket moves at speed v, and the system has momentum , where m is the motor’s mass.

2.       During the time interval dt a mass  is expelled from the motor. The velocity of the expelled mass is .

3.      At time t+dt the mass of the motor has decreased to  .

4.      At time t+dt, the rocket has velocity .

5.       The total momentum of the system at time t+dt is therefore


6.      Momentum must be conserved, so


7.      Multiplying this out and simplifying shows that


where the term  has been neglected.

8.      Finally, we see that


This result is called the `rocket equation.’   


Specific Impulse of a rocket motor: The performance of a rocket engine is usually specified by its `specific impulse.’  Confusingly, two different definitions of specific impulse are commonly used:


The first definition quantifies the impulse exerted by the motor per unit mass of propellant; the second is the impulse per unit weight of propellant.  You can usually tell which definition is being used from the units  the first definition has units of m/s; the second has units of s.  In terms of the specific impulse, the rocket equation is




Integrated form of the rocket equation: If the motor expels propellant at constant rate, the equation of motion can be integrated.  Assume that

1.      The rocket is at the origin at time t=0;

2.      The rocket has speed  at time t=0

3.      The motor has mass  at time t=0; this means that at time t it has mass  

Then the rocket’s speed can be calculated as a function of time:


Similarly, the position follows as



These calculations assume that no external forces act on the rocket.  It is quite straightforward to generalize them to account for external forces as well  the details are left as an exercise.



Example 5 Application of rocket propulsion equation: Calculate the maximum payload that can be launched to escape velocity on the Ares I launch vehicle.


‘Escape velocity’ means that after the motor burns out, the space vehicle can escape the earth’s gravitational field  see example 5 in Section 4.1.6. 



1.      The specifications for the Ares I are at http://www.braeunig.us/space/specs/ares.htm  Relevant variables are listed in the table below.



Total mass (kg)

Specific impulse (s)

Propellant mass (kg)

Stage I




Stage II




2.      As an approximation, we will neglect the motion of the rocket during the burn, and will neglect aerodynamic forces.

3.      We will assume that the first stage is jettisoned before burning the second stage.

4.      Note that the change in velocity due to burning a stage can be expressed as


where  is the total mass before the burn, and  is the mass of propellant burned.

  1. The earth’s radius is 6378.145km
  2. The Gravitational parameter
      (G= gravitational constant; M=mass of earth)
  3. Escape velocity is from the earths surface is
    , where R is the earth’s radius.




1.      Let m denote the payload mass; let  denote the total masses of stages I and II, let  denote the propellant masses of stages I and II; and let ,  denote the specific impulses of the two stages.

2.      The rocket is at rest before burning the first stage; and its total mass is .  After burn, the mass is .  The velocity after burning the first stage is therefore


3.      The first stage is then jettisoned  the mass before starting the second burn is , and after the second burn it is .  The velocity after the second burn is therefore


4.      Substituting numbers into the escape velocity formula gives  km/sec.  Substituting numbers for the masses shows that to reach this velocity, the payload mass must satisfy


where m is in kg.

5.      We can use Mathematica to solve for the critical value of m for equality


so the solution is 8300kg  a very small mass compared with that of the launch vehicle, but you could pack in a large number of people you would like to launch into outer space nonetheless (the entire faculty of the division of engineering, if you wish).


4.2.7 Analyzing collisions between particles: the restitution coefficient



The momentum conservation equations are particularly helpful if you want to analyze collisions between two or more objects.  If the impact occurs over a very short time, the impulse exerted by the contact forces acting at the point of collision is huge compared with the impulse exerted by any other forces.  If we consider the two colliding particles as a system, the external impulse exerted on the system can be taken to be zero, and so the total momentum of the system is conserved.


The momentum conservation equation can be used to relate the velocities of the particles before collision to those after collision.  These relations are not enough to be able to determine the velocities completely, however  to do this, we also need to be able to quantify the energy lost (or more accurately, dissipated as heat) during the collision.


In practice we don’t directly specify the energy loss during a collision  instead, the relative velocities are related by a property of the impact called the coefficient of restitution


Restitution coefficient for straight line motion


Suppose that two colliding particles A and B move in a straight line parallel to a unit vector i.  Let

 denote the velocities of A and B just before the collision

 denote the velocities of A and B just after the collision.


The velocities before and after impact are related by


where e is the restitution coefficient. The negative sign is needed because the particles approach one another before impact, and separate afterwards.



Restitution coefficient for 3D frictionless collisions

For a more general contact, we define

 to denote velocities of the particles before collision

 to denote velocities of the particles after collision


In addition, we let n be a unit vector normal to the common tangent plane at the point of contact (if the two colliding particles are spheres or disks the vector is parallel to the line joining their centers).


The velocities before and after impact are related by two vector equations:



To interpret these equations, note that

1.      The first equation states that the component of relative velocity normal to the contact plane is reduced by a factor e (just as for 1D contacts)

2.      The second equation states that the component of relative velocity tangent to the contact plane is unchanged (this is because the contact is frictionless, and so the reaction forces acting on the particles during the collision exert no impulse is exerted in a direction tangent to the contact plane).


The two equations can be combined into a single vector equation relating velocities before and after impact  this form is more compact, and often more useful, but more difficult to visualize physically



It is possible to account for friction at the contact, but friction will always make the colliding particles rotate, so they cannot be idealized as particles.


Values of restitution coefficient


The restitution coefficient almost always lies in the range .  It can only be less than zero if one object can penetrate and pass through the other (e.g. a bullet); and can only be greater than 1 if the collision generates energy somehow (e.g. releasing a preloaded spring, or causing an explosion).


If e=0, the two colliding objects stick together; if e=1 the collision is perfectly elastic, with no energy loss. 


The restitution coefficient is strongly sensitive to the material properties of the two colliding objects, and also varies weakly with their geometry and the velocity of impact.  The two latter effects are usually ignored. 


Collision between a particle and a fixed rigid surface. The collision formulas can be applied to impact between a rigid fixed surface by taking the surface to be particle B, and noting that the velocity of particle B is then zero both before and after impact. 


For straight line motion,  


For collision with an angled wall , where

n is a unit vector perpendicular to the wall.





4.2.8 Examples of collision problems


Example 1 Suppose that a moving car hits a stationary (parked) vehicle from behind.  Derive a formula that will enable an accident investigator to determine the velocity of the moving car from the length of the skid marks left on the road.



1.      We will assume both cars move in a straight line

2.      The moving and stationary cars will be assumed to have masses , respectively

3.      We will assume the cars stick together after the collision (i.e. the restitution coefficient is zero)

4.      We will assume that only the parked car has brakes applied after the collision


This calculation takes two steps: first, we will use work-energy to relate the distance slid by the cars after impact to their velocity just after the impact occurs. Then, we will use momentum and the restitution formula to work out the velocity of the moving car just before impact. 


Calculation: Let V denote the velocity of the moving car just before impact; let  denote the velocity of the two (connected) cars just after impact, and let d denote the distance slid.

1.      The figure shows a free body diagram for each of the two cars during sliding after the collision.  Newton’s law of motion for each car shows that


2.      The vertical component of the equations of motion give ; .

3.      The parked car has locked wheels and skids over the road; the friction law gives the tangential forces at the contacts as  

4.      We can calculate the velocity of the cars just after impact using the work-kinetic energy relation during skidding.  For this purpose, we consider the two connected cars as a single particle.  The work done on the particle by the friction forces is .  The work done is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the particle, so


5.      Finally, we can use momentum conservation to calculate the velocity just before impact.  The momentum after impact is , while before impact .  Equating the two gives









Example 2: Two frictionless spheres with radius R have initial velocity .  At some instant of time, the two particles collide.  At the point of collision, the centers of the spheres have position vectors .  The restitution coefficient for the contact is denoted by e. Find a formula for the velocities of the spheres after impact.  Hence, deduce an expression for the change in kinetic energy during the impact.



This is a straightforward vector algebra exercise.  We have two unknown velocity vectors: , and two vector equations  momentum conservation, and the restitution coefficient formula.



1.      Note that a unit vector normal to the tangent plane can be calculated from the position vectors of the centers at the impact as .  It doesn’t matter whether you choose to take n to point from A to B or the other way around  the formula will work either way.

2.      Momentum conservation requires that


3.      The restitution coefficient formula gives


4.      We can solve (2) and (3) for  by multiplying (3) by  and adding the equations, which gives


5.      Similarly, we can solve for  by multiplying (3) by  and subtracting (3) from (2), with the result


6.      The change in kinetic energy during the collision can be calculated as


7.      Substituting the results of (4) and (5) for  and  and simplifying the result gives



Note that the energy change is zero if e=1 (perfectly elastic collisions) and is always negative for e<1 (i.e. the kinetic energy after collision is less than that before collision). 




Example 3: This is just a boring example to help illustrate the practical application of the vector formulas in the preceding example.  In the figure shown, disk A has a vertical velocity V at time t=0, while disk B is stationary.   The two disks both have radius R, have the same mass, and the restitution coefficient between them is e. Gravity can be neglected. Calculate the velocity vector of each disk after collision. 



1.      Before impact, the velocity vectors are  

2.      A unit vector parallel to the line joining the two centers is  (to see this, apply Pythagoras theorem to the triangle shown in the figure).

3.      The velocities after impact are


Substituting the vectors gives



Example 4: How to play pool (or snooker, billiards, or your own favorite bar game involving balls, a stick, and a table…).  The figure shows a typical problem faced by a pool player  where should the queue ball hit the eight ball to send it into the pocket?


This is easily solved  the eight ball is stationary before impact, and after impact has a velocity


Notice that the velocity is parallel to the unit vector n.  This vector is parallel to a line connecting the centers of the two balls at the instant of impact. So the correct thing to do is to visualize an imaginary ball just touching the eight ball, in line with the pocket, and aim the queue ball at the imaginary ball.   Easy!


The real secret to being a successful pool player is not potting the balls  that part is easy.  It is controlling where the queue ball goes after impact.   You may have seen experts make a queue ball reverse its direction after an impact (appearing to bounce off the stationary ball); or make the queue ball follow the struck ball after the impact.  According to the simple equations developed here, this is impossible  but a pool table is more complicated, because the balls rotate, and are in contact with a table.  By giving the queue ball spin, an expert player can move the queue ball around at will.   To make the ball rebound, it must be struck low down (below the ‘center of percussion’) to give it a reverse spin; to make it follow the struck ball, it should be struck high up, to make it roll towards the ball to be potted.   Giving the ball a sideways spin can make it rebound in a controllable direction laterally as well.  And it is even possible to make a queue ball travel in a curved path with the right spin.


Never let it be said that you don’t learn useful skills in engineering classes!




Example 5: In this problem we set up a simple MATLAB program that analyzes motion with impacts.  The problem to be solved in illustrated in the figure.  A square box contains a number of rigid, frictionless circular disks.  The disks all have the same mass.  At time t=0 the disks are given some random distribution of velocities.  The goal of the program is to compute and animate the subsequent motion of the disks, accounting for all collisions.


To do this, we need to:

1.      Derive the equations of motion for each disk and integrate them;

2.      Detect collisions between particles and the wall, and change the particle velocity to account for the collision;

3.      Detect collisions between two particles, and change the velocities of both colliding particles to account for the collision.


We will model the system by calculating the (x,y) coordinates of each disk.  In the following, we will use  to denote the position and velocity of the ith disk.


Equations of motion :  No forces act on the disks except during the collisions.  Therefore, between collisions, the equations of motion for the ith disk is


As always, we turn this into MATLAB form by writing



Collisions with the walls:  The collisions occur at the instants when the distance of a disk to the wall is equal to the radius of the disk.  Therefore

1.      Collision with the wall at x=L occurs when  

2.      Collision with the wall at x=-L  

3.      Collision with the roof at y=L occurs when  

4.      Collision with the floor at y=-L occurs when  


A collision can be detected by detecting the point when


crosses zero from above.


When a collision occurs, the velocities must be corrected as follows to account for the collision:

1.      Collision with the walls at   

2.      Collision with the walls at   


Collisions between particles The collisions occur at the instants when the distance between the centers of any two disks is equal to the diameter of the disk. 


When a collision occurs between the ith and jth particles, their velocities must be corrected as follows to account for the collision:


To see this, note that  is a unit vector joining the two centers; and let  denote the velocities of the two particles, and substitute into the general equations in Example 4.


Here is a MATLAB script that implements these calculations. It will produce the animation shown in the picture.  You can make various modifications to solve similar problems.   The only new feature of this code that has not been discussed before is the ODE solver  it turns out that the standard solver ode45 is not accurate enough for this problem and misses some collisions.  The more accurate solver ode113 is used instead.


function disk_collisions

% Function to compute and animate motion of colliding disks

% in a box

n_disks = 3;

disk_radius = 1;

box_size = 10.0;

restitution_wall = 1;

restitution_disk = 1;

% These variables are defined in the outer function so they are available

% in all functions

disk_wall_index = 1;    %specifies the disk that is closest to a wall

colliding_pair(1) = 1;  %specifies first disk in pair of closest disks

colliding_pair(2) = 1;  %specifies second disk in pair of closest disks

tstart = 0;

tstop = 60;

count = 0;


y0 = [1.,1.,0.,0.,-1.,-1.1,1.,1.,-3.,3.,-0.25,0.25];



Abstol = 10^(-05)*ones(4*n_disks,1);

options = odeset('RelTol',0.0000001,'AbsTol',Abstol,'Events',@detect_collision);

[t,y,tevent,yevent,ievent] = ode113(@eom,[tstart,tstop],y0,options);


if (~isempty(tevent))

    y0 = collide(tevent,yevent,ievent);


tstart = t(length(t));

for i=1:length(t)

%  The disks are a single point on an x-y plot

    hold off   


    hold on

    for n = 2:n_disks





    axis square

    pause(0.025) %  This just slows down the animation a bit




function dydt = eom(t,y)

% Equations of motion for the disks

% y contains [x,y,vx,vy,…] for each disk

    for n=1:n_disks

        i = 4*(n-1)+1;

        dydt(i) = y(i+2);

        dydt(i+1) = y(i+3);

        dydt(i+2) = 0;

        dydt(i+3) = 0.;


    dydt = transpose(dydt);



function [eventvalue,stopthecalc,eventdirection] = detect_collision(t,y)

% Function to detect a collision of a disk with a wall or another disk


%  Find the shortest distance between a disk and a wall

   dmin = box_size;

   for n=1:n_disks

      i = 4*(n-1)+1;

      d1 = box_size/2-(y(i)+disk_radius);

      d2 = (y(i)-disk_radius)+box_size/2;

      d3 = box_size/2-(y(i+1)+disk_radius);

      d4 = (y(i+1)-disk_radius)+box_size/2;

      [d,min_wall] = min([d1,d2,d3,d4]);

      if (d<dmin)

          dmin = d;

          disk_wall_index = n;



%  First event is collision of disk with a wall

   eventvalue(1) = dmin;

   stopthecalc(1) = 1;


   dmin = 10*box_size;

%  Find the min dist between any pair of disks

   if (n_disks>1)

   for n=1:n_disks-1

       i = 4*(n-1)+1;

       for m = n+1:n_disks

           j = 4*(m-1)+1;

           d = sqrt( (y(j)-y(i))^2 + (y(j+1)-y(i+1))^2)-2*disk_radius;

           if (d<dmin)

              dmin = d;






%  Second event is collision of two disks

   eventvalue(2) = dmin;

   stopthecalc(2) = 1;





function y0 = collide(t,y,ievent)

%   Function to change velocity of disks when a collision occurs


y0 = y;


if (ievent==1)        %collision with a wall

    i = 4*(disk_wall_index-1)+1;

    d1 = box_size/2-(y(i)+disk_radius);

    d2 = (y(i)-disk_radius)+box_size/2;

    d3 = box_size/2-(y(i+1)+disk_radius);

    d4 = (y(i+1)-disk_radius)+box_size/2;

    if (d1<0.0001 || d2<0.0001)   %collision with left or right wall

        y0(i+2) = -restitution_wall*y0(i+2);


    if (d3<0.0001 || d4<0.0001) % collision with top or bottom wall

        y0(i+3) = -restitution_wall*y0(i+3);



    i = 4*(colliding_pair(1)-1)+1;

    j = 4*(colliding_pair(2)-1)+1;

    normal(1) = (y(j)-y(i))/(2*disk_radius);

    normal(2)= (y(j+1)-y(i+1))/(2*disk_radius);

    vn = (y(j+2)-y(i+2))*normal(1) + (y(j+3)-y(i+3))*normal(2);

    y0(i+2) = y0(i+2) + (1+restitution_disk)*vn*normal(1)/2;

    y0(i+3) = y0(i+3) + (1+restitution_disk)*vn*normal(2)/2;

    y0(j+2) = y0(j+2) - (1+restitution_disk)*vn*normal(1)/2;

    y0(j+3) = y0(j+3) - (1+restitution_disk)*vn*normal(2)/2;


