Maria Kirk's Shark

Maria Kirk’s beast looks like bringing the original painting by adsfasd to its logical extreme. Now only a part of the head of the monster is seen with two dead eyes. On the further end of the frame, into the horizon, is seen an object pertruding the sea surface, assumed to be the tail of the shark. The deliberately deepened space and the narrow perspective greate the notion that the shark’s size is incredible and leaves it to the viewer to contemplate the size of beast which the eyes percieve to be larger than its actual self. Furthermore, the focus of the picture has shifted (compared to the other illustrations) from the shark, and its monstrous size to Pinocchio and the Blue Goat. Kirk wishes to draw our attention to the peril Pinocchio is facing (making the observer identify with him) rather than the peril the Shark is posing. This works very well as Kirk does not show the beast in its entirety, leaving the threathened Pinocchio in the middle of a murky sea horribly contemplating how large the beast actually is. A similar technique has been used by Steven Spielberg is the movie `Jaws` where the actual size of the Shark was left for the imagination by shots of specific parts of the shark unti the very end of the movie.
