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Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
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Patriarch Theophilus was a prominent figure in the construction of early Christian churches in Alexandria. He served as the Patriarch (or Archbishop) of Alexandria from 385-412 CE. Throughout his 27-year rule, he consecrated at least nine different churches in Alexandria, helping encourage and further the intense "Christianization" of the city. As such a fervent Christian, he had little tolerance for non-Christian religions and worship spaces, and he allowed for (or turned a not-so-blind-eye to...) the destruction of the famous pagan temple, the Serapeum, in 391 CE.

Posted at Nov 30/2010 04:20PM:
ian: In this way he is a marker for the political and cultural ascendancy of Christianity in Egypt -- esp. multi-cultural Alexandria.