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Volume 4, number 2, Winter 2006




Ana Maria C. M. Jorge
The Lusitanian Episcopate in the 4th Century: Priscillian of Ávila and the Tensions Between Bishops. [PDF] [HTML]

José Pedro Paiva
Bishops and Politics: The Portuguese Episcopacy During the Dynastic Crisis of 1580[PDF] [HTML]

Paula Santos
Relations Between Portugal and Brazil (1930-1945) - The Relationship Between the Two National Experiences of the Estado Novo. [PDF] [HTML]

Lúcia Maria Paschoal Guimarães
Echos of the 'política do espírito' in the Brazilian Historical and Geographic Institute: Salazar Delegates to the IV Encounter of National History. [PDF] [HTML]

Surveys and Debates

Institutions and Research

Maria do Rosário Morujão
The Coimbra See and its Chancery in Medieval Times. [PDF] [HTML]

António dos Santos Pereira
The Urgent Empire: Portugal Between 1475 and 1525. [PDF] [HTML]

Ph.D. Dissertations in Medieval Portuguese History. [PDF] [HTML]


Book Reviews

Cristina S. Ogden
George E. Marcus and Fernando Mascarenhas. Ocasião: The Marquis and the Anthropologist, A Collaboration.
(Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, 2005) [PDF] [HTML]