How can I use computers to assist beginner level students to master the requirements for the citizenship test?

Baha Sadr, International Institute of Rhode Island

citizenship resources on line

civic participation resources from Eastern LINCS

Ellis Island - immigration museum, information about Ellis Island and immigration history

Immigration - a guide to immigrating to the US

Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota is an international resource on American immigration and ethnic history. The IHRC collects, preserves, and makes available archival and published resources documenting immigration and ethnicity on a national scope. These materials are particularly rich for ethnic groups that originated in eastern, central, and southern Europe and the Near East -- those who came to this country during the great wave of migration that gained momentum in the 1880s and peaked in the first decades of this century.

Migration Dialogue promotes an informed discussion of the issues associated with international migration by providing unbiased and timely information on immigration and integration issues. Four Migration Dialogue activities are summarized below: the newsletters Migration News and Rural Migration News, the work of University of California researchers, and seminars for European and American opinion leaders.

The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - a tool to enhance collaboration, build and develop strategy, and push thinking and analysis "outside the box" of service provision or "quick-fix" legislation. Our program aims to involve, support, and empower immigrant communities to address the critical issues in their neighborhoods and workplaces. Our work for immigrant rights is bound to a vision of equality, justice, and democracy. By linking the issue of rights for the foreign-born to issues of racial equality, human rights, and access to basic necessities - we build lasting alliances and a role within a broader movement for social and economic justice.

Study for the citizenship test

INS online - INS homepage

learners' stories - becoming citizens; interactive website in development

Read Baha's final report.

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