Lesson plan and writing assignments

Mike Wood, CrossroadsRhode Island

Lesson plan

1. Intake/Assessment

  • Establish learner goals
  • Begin discussion of what learner's next steps are after attaining learning goals
  • Learning contract, in which learner partners with instructor to establish realistic personal and academic goals within a flexible time frame
  • If learner's needs are better suited for self study at home, schedule online GED workshop with them. Set schedule for times to come to class to review work or for practice testing
  • Determine learner's basic computer skills and access to computers. Schedule tutorial if necessary
  • Have learners write a paragraph on which subjects of the GED in which they feel they need the most help and why
  • 2. Online GED workshop

    A. Review paragraph from Intake and discuss how learner can improve skills online and through self-study. Have learners write a paragraph about which subjects of the GED they are most interested in and why. B. Have learners complete Is Online Learning For Me?(below) and discuss. C. Finding Information: Before using computers, ask learners where they think they might find certain material (library, government, etc). Where else would have the information you are looking for? Evaluating: how do you know that what is in the web-site is true? D. Assist learners with web-site options for self-study; point out sites that offer free lessons and tests, assist with navigation through search engines and how to refine search for specific subjects. Some web-sites may be confusing to a first time user, or they may be lead to pay sites that do not offer free testing. E. Evaluating information: How do you know that what is in the web-site is true? Is the site a professional or amateur page? How can you tell? Check for bias: what is the tone of language or images? F. Have learners try sample online GED tests and review with them; will these tests suit learners' needs? Will they be able to find time and space to devote to such study? Where will they be able to find computer access?

    3. Continuing Supports

    A. Work with learner to create a weekly or bi-weekly schedule for meeting to review work, tutoring, practice testing. B. Begin preparation for post-GED plans; according to learner's interests or stated goals, begin researching local college application processes, or familiarize learner with online opportunities for job searching. This can be ongoing during GED prep. C. Learner may also meet with case manager on a determined schedule to support non-educational needs.


    Think about your life as it is right now. With all your obligations that prevent you from attending class every day, what time can you make for yourself to study outside of class? What has been your experience of trying to study on your own? Do you have support from family or friends? Do you have access to a computer? How will you make time for yourself to study? What can your instructor do for you to help you prepare to study on your own? Write a brief essay on these questions, explaining how you plan to study on your own and what it will take-from you, your instructor and from family and Friends-in order for you to succeed at your studies. Be as honest as you feel comfortable.

    writing assignments

    Writing Assignment #1

    What GED subjects do you feel will be the hardest for you in your studies? Why?

    In what ways can the instructor help you with those subjects?

    Writing Assignment #2

    What type of work would like you like to do after you earn your GED? Do you feel qualified for that kind of work? How would you go about researching that field to see if you are qualified?

    page developed July 11, 2005

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