Annette W. Coleman

Stephen T. Olney Professor of Natural History and Professor of Biology

Brown University, Box G-J4
69 Brown Street
Providence, Rhode Island, 02912
Phone: 401-863-3917
Fax: 401-863-1182
Email: [email protected]

Research Summary

My training in biological research includes study of cell differentiation in cell cultures of vertebrate muscle, but more extensive work in both plant and algal cell biology. Most recently my laboratory has examined the nature, quantity and mode of distribution of DNA genomes of mitochondria and plastids. The second area of laboratory concentration concerns the species problem, how separate species evolve. The work examines particular species and genera of the volvocales, freshwater green algae, brown algae, and abalones, and the analysis includes mating compatibility, chromosome number, and DNA relatedness as determined by sequencing.

In terms of teaching, I have taught courses in subjects ranging from birds to bacteria, and a freshman to advanced graduate student level. I have also taught summer courses for high school teachers, and molecular biology laboratory courses for postdoctoral students at Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory and at the University of Concepcion, Chile.


Coleman, A.W. 2003 ITS2 is a double-edged tool for eukaryote evolutionary comparisons. Trends in Genetics (in press).

Young, I. and A.W.Coleman (submitted) The advantages of the ITS2 region of the nuclear rDNA cistron for analysis of phylogenetic relationships of insects: a Drosophila example.

Denboh, T., T. Ichimura, D. Hendrayanti, & A.W. Coleman (submitted) The Closterium moniliferum-ehrenbergii (Charophyceae, Chlorophyta) species complex viewed from the 1506 group I intron and ITS-2 of nuclear ribosomal DNA.

Stiger, V., T. Horiguchi, T. Yoshida, A.W. Coleman & M. Masuda 2003 Phyogenetic relationships within the genus Sargassum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae), inferred from ITS-2 nrDNA comparisons of material collected from the Pacific basin, with an emphasis on the taxonomic subdividion of the genus. Phycological Res. 51: (in press).

Coleman, A.W. 2002 Comparison of Eudorina/Pleodorina ITS sequences of isolates from nature with those from experimental hybrids. Amer. J. Bot. 89: (in press).

Coleman, A.W. 2002 Microbial eukaryote species. Science 297:337.

Coleman, A.W. and V.D. Vacquier 2002 Exploring the phylogenetic utility of ITS sequences for animals: a test case for abalone (Haliotis). J. Mol. Evol. 54: 246-257.

Coleman, A.W., L. Jaenicke & R.C. Starr 2001 Genetics and sexual behaviorof the pheromone producer, Chlamydomonas allensworthii (Chlorophyceae). J. Phycol 37: 1-5.

Gonzalez, M.A., A.W. Coleman, P.I. Gomez & R. Montoya 2001 Phylogenetic relationship among various strains of Dunaliella (Chlorophyceae) based on nuclear ITS rDNA sequences. J. Phycol. 37:604-611

Coleman, A.W. 2001 Biogeography and speciation in the Pandorina/Volvulina (Chlorophyta) superclade. J. Phycol. 37: 836-851.

Coleman, A.W. 2000 The significance of a coincidence between evolutionary landmarks found in mating affinity and a DNA sequence. Protist 151: 1-9.

Coleman, A.W. 1999 Phylogenetic analysis of "Volvocacae" for comparative genetic studies. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 13892-13897.

Yotsukura, N., T. Denboh, T. Motomura, T. Horiguchi, A.W. Coleman & T. Ichimura. 1999 Little divergence in ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer -1 and -2 sequences among non-digitate species of Laminaria (Phaeophyceae) from Hokkaido, Japan. Phycol. Res. 47:71-80.

Coleman, A.W. and A. M. Nerozzi 1999 Temporal and spacial coordination of cells with their plastid component. Int. Rev. Cytology 193: 125-164.


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