The Age of Spanish American Revolutions:
International attention and concerns



International recognition

United States, Report (Washington, D.C: s.n, 1822).
Even prior to the conclusion of military activities and the final surrender of Royalist forces in 1825, foreign governments began recognizing the newly independent nations. “Resolved, That the House of Representatives concur in the opinion expressed by the President, in his message of the 8th of March, 1822, that the American provinces of Spain, which have declared their independence, and are in the enjoyment of it, ought to be recognized by the United States, as independent nations.”

Acquired with the assistance of the Lippitt fund


Markets and Trade

H. M. Brackenridge and United States, Reise nach südamerika. (Leipzig: Bei Georg Joachim Göschen, 1821).  

Other nations had long sought access to Spanish American markets and raw materials. Even in the midst of the wars of independence, the United States sent envoys, such as Henry M. Brackenridge, to South America, and his description of the nascent nations was widely circulated and quickly translated into Spanish and published in London, and later into German.

Gift of R. S. Wormser


History being written

Venezuela et al., Acte D'indépendance, manifeste, constitution de la République Fédérale de Venezuela, au continent de l'Amérique du Sud. (Paris: Chaumerot jeune, libraire, Palais-Royal, Galeries de Bois, no. 188, 1817).
Although Venezuela had declared independence and formed a government in 1811, Royalists retook the region by 1812. As this French edition of 1817 illustrates, the history of the wars of independence in South America was already being written, even before its conclusion.

Acquired with the assistance of the JCB Associates fund

To next section: Royalist response