
The following STAs are currently on staff:

Charis Loke

Charis is, to her occasional dismay, a biochemistry concentrator in the class of 2013. Her passion is art, something she fuels by taking classes down the hill at RISD and working on things such as computer games, editorial illustrations, and science illustration. Besides technology, she is also very interested in college applications mentoring for students from Malaysia. In her spare time she enjoys computer gaming, particularly because all of her characters are named after biological molecules.

Shixie Shi

Stephanie Tin

Stephanie is a sophomore studying developmental cognitive neuroscience - when she isn't working with computers, she's working with children. She's also interested in the French language, and linguistics in general. Outside of class, Stephanie likes sprinting, baking, and taking pictures (though not all at once, that would get messy).

Sumner Warren