Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Disruption: Destructive and Generative Ruptures in Latin America and the Caribbean

Thursday, April 29 –
Friday, April 30, 2021

Virtual Event

The Latin American Studies Center and the LASC Graduate Collective at the University of Maryland, College Park invite you to our 14th Annual Student Conference - "Disruption: Destructive and Generative Ruptures in Latin America and the Caribbean," to be held online on April 29 and 30. We are excited to host Dr. Clara Irazábal, Director of the Urban Studies & Planning Program at UMD; Dr. Yanilda González, Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School; and Dr. Daniel B. Coleman, Assistant Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at UNC-Greensboro. We also have a fascinating line-up of graduate and undergraduate students who will share their research and ideas; an online art exhibition; and a pedagogy workshop. Please, spread the word among your students and colleagues, and circulate the conference flyer within your networks. If you are able to attend, please be sure to register at: go.umd.edu/lascconference

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