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Install A Non-Domain Department Printer In Windows 7 - Knowledgebase / Desktop Computing and Printing / Departmental Printing - OIT Service Center

Install A Non-Domain Department Printer In Windows 7

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  1. Locate your printer name by pointing your web browser to
  2. Locate and click on your printer name from the list of available printers.  
  3. Click on the 'Properties' link located in the "View" section in the left navigation bar of your browser window.
  4. Now select the entire "Network Name" located in the Network Name field in the right section of your browser window. Copy the network name to the clipboard (by right-clicking on the URL you just selected and choosing "Copy" from the quick menu).
  5. Open the printing settings in your Control Panel (Start..Devices and Printers)
  6. Select "Add a Printer" from the address bar.
  7. Select 'Add a network, wireless or bluetooth printer'. This may take a few minutes.
  8. Once the search for printers is complete, select 'The printer that I want isn't listed' (near the bottom of the 'Select a Printer' dialog box).
  9. Paste the 'Network Name' from Step #4 into the 'Select a shared printer by name' field. Select the printer manufacturer from the manufacturer list on the left, and select your printer from the printer list on the right. When you click Next, installing the printer might take several minutes.

  10. Confirm that the correct printer appears in the Printer Name field.
  11. Click 'Finish'. 
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