
Brown University joins mmW Coalition

Brown University has joined the MillimeterWave Coalition. This membership, initiated by Professor Mittleman and his group at Brown, enables the University to join other universities and companies in the effort to develop a favorable regulatory environment for systems employing terahertz radiation. According to the web page of the Coalition, "The mmWave Coalition is a group of innovative companies united in the objective of removing regulatory barriers to technologies and using frequencies ranging from 95 GHz to 450 GHz.

(Distributed December 6, 2020)

Imaging ancient ceramic pottery sherds using terahertz radiation

THz image of ancient pottery sherd:

Our recent work in collaboration with Martin Koch (Physics Dept., University of Marburg) and Peter van Dommelen (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University) is now published. We can combine visible and THz imaging to extract quantitative metrics for density variations in ancient ceramic sherds! The publication can be found by clicking here.

(Distributed August 20, 2020)

A new way to think about eavesdropping

Our collaboration with the Knightly group (Rice University) has produced some nice results recently. Here's a teaser for one of them, for a paper that will be presented at WiSec 2020 in July. Nice job, Chia-Yi!

(Distributed June 15, 2020)
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