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Huron e-Submission System: IRB Guidance |  HRPP Huron Toolkit Library


Guidance for All IRB Users:

what you need to do guide Video
Navigate through the IRB Workspaces Navigating Huron IRB Workspaces see guide
Find Help tips directly within the IRB module see video Huron IRB Help Tips
Choose Actions/Activities within an IRB Study Record Quick Guide: Available IRB Study Submission Actions see guide


Guidance for Principal Investigator (PI) or Proxy:

What you need to do guide video
Create and Submit an IRB Study Create and Submit an IRB Study Create and Submit an IRB Study
Assign a PI's IRB Proxy IRB Assigning a PI's Proxy   
Create and Submit an IRB CR (Progress Report) IRB Create and Submit a CR.pdf Create and Submit an IRB CR (Progress Report)
Create and Submit an IRB Modification/Update IRB Create and Submit a Modification Update.pdf Create and Submit an IRB Modification/Update
Create and Submit an IRB RNI (Adverse Event Report) IRB Create and Submit an RNI (Adverse Event Report).pdf Create and Submit an IRB RNI (Adverse Event Report)
Request an IRB Clarification and/or Respond to a Clarification Request How to Request IRB Clarification and/or Respond to a Clarification Request see guide

Update an IRB Modification- from an Externally Reviewed Study (IAA's where Brown is not the IRB of record)

Enter an Externally Reviewed IRB Mod (Update Study Details).pdf see guide


Guidance for IRB Committee Members

what you need to do guide
Review Submissions Sent to Committee and Update Meeting Attendance Tips to Review an IRB Study and Update Meeting Attendance.pdf


Guidance for IRB Ancillary Reviewers

what you need to do guide
Perform and Submit an IRB Ancillary Review Manage an IRB Ancillary Review


Guidance for HRPP Staff

what you need to do guide
Request IRB Clarifications Clarifications- How to Request and Respond
Navigate an IRB Convened Meeting Navigation Tips for an IRB Convened Meeting
Review IRB Submissions (All Types) Guide to Reviewing IRB Submissions
Choose Actions/Activities within an IRB Study Record Quick Guide: Available IRB Submission Actions   (HRPP: pp 3-6)

Learn more about other available IRB system training here