Brown University News Bureau

The Brown University News Bureau

1996-1997 index

Distributed January 7, 1997
Contact: Mark Nickel

The Gregorian years: a time of tremendous rejuvenation

Statement by
Alva O. Way, Chancellor

Vartan Gregorian's greatest gift is his ability to empower institutions to rise to their true potential. He demonstrated that ability at the New York Public Library. During his tenure at Brown, he challenged the University to enter the 21st century with an enriched academic foundation and the financial security it had never enjoyed previously. Under his inspirational leadership Brown improved its academic programs, student life and employee support, expanded its public service contributions to the surrounding community, and met the pressing needs of its physical plant and management systems. His vision and optimism, coupled with his fund-raising persuasiveness, have enabled Brown to become one of the most important institutions in American higher education. While accomplishing all of the goals he set for himself and the institution, he has been able to expand the University's role in confronting significant challenges facing our nation, particularly the imperative of education reform. Brown is fortunate to have experienced the leadership he provided.

In his letter to me, the President said he had come to Brown to lead and expressed the hope that he had fulfilled our highest expectations. I believe I speak for all the fellows, trustees and officers of the Corporation when I say that the Gregorian years have been a time of tremendous rejuvenation for Brown. We have had presidential leadership that has surpassed our highest expectations and has made Brown better and stronger.

President Gregorian's departure does not come as welcome news to those of us who care deeply about Brown University, yet his appointment as president of one of the nation's largest and most prestigious foundations certainly reflects well upon him and upon Brown.
