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Brown University
237th Commencement
May 29, 2005


[Photo: John Abromowski]

Phylicia Rashad
Doctor of Fine Arts (D.F.A.)

The breadth of your professional accomplishments is surpassed only by the depth of your commitment to honoring human dignity. On stage and screen your spirited portrayals of women inspire and delight us, but when the marquees are dimmed, your work is just beginning. For your dedicated support of the fine arts in education, for your tireless efforts to foster self-reliance among peoples of the developing world, for thousands of superb performances, we are proud to award you the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts, honoris causa.

Tanta in professione adepta es, ut nulla re superari possint nisi quod omnes dignitatem hominum venerari studes. Et in albo televisivo et in scaenis personas feminarum ita proprie agis, ut maxime nos inflammes et delectes, sed ubi primum lumina praeconia exstincta sunt, opus tuum incipit. Maximam operam das ut artes liberales doceantur et perpetuo studes animos hominum qui regiones tertii mundi incolunt sublevari et millies personas in scaenis optime egisti. Qua de causa auctoritate mihi commissa te ad gradum in Artibus Elegantibus Doctoris admitto, omniaque jura atque privilegia ad hunc gradum pertinentia concedo. In huius testimonium hoc diploma tibi feliciter trado.

May 29, 2005

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