Joaquin Blaum
Assistant Professor of Economics Department of Economics, Brown University
jblaum [at] gmail [dot] com
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“The Gains from Input Trade With Heterogeneous Importers” (with M. Peters and C. Lelarge) [Download] [Online Appendix] [Vox Column] [Slides] American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, vol. 10 (2018)
“Firm Size, Quality Bias and Import Demand” (with M. Peters and C. Lelarge) [Download] [Online Appendix] [Replication Materials] [Older Version] Journal of International Economics, vol. 120 (2019)
Working Papers
“Global Firms in Large Devaluations” [Download], RR, Quarterly Journal of Economics
“Wealth Inequality and the Losses from Financial Frictions” [Download]
“Financial Frictions and Non-Balanced Growth” [Download]
Work in progress
“Firm-level Trade Policies”, joint with David Atkin, Pablo Fajgelbaum and Augusto Ospital
“Trading and Financial Frictions: An Approach with Micro Data”
“Input Sourcing and Supplier Choice in International Trade”, joint with F. Esposito and S. Heise |