Syllabus, Lecture Videos and Lecture Notes


Quick Links:

  1. Course Goals >>
  2. Workload Expectation >>
  3. Lecture Videos (with pdf copies of notes and MATLAB codes) >>
  4. Detailed Syllabus (with links to sections of videos) >>
  5. Concept Checklist (with links to videos) >>
  6. Electronic Notes (detailed written text) >>


2. Workload Expectation

    1. Lecture Videos: 33 hours (Not including the project introduction/HW help videos)
    2. In-person tutorial meetings: 10 hrs + 5hrs preparation
    3. Homework assignments: 8 at average 8 hours each = 64 hrs
    4. Projects: 4 at 12 hours each
    5. Final exam, 3 hours plus 20 hrs preparation

    TOTAL: 183 hours.


    (Explanation: this represents a rough estimate of the time spent by an average student on the class. Your actual workload may be less or greater than the estimate (projects are open ended and the time commitment depends on how many candidate designs you develop and their complexity; if you get a hard-to-find bug in a matlab code in a HW it can slow you down a lot) . Federal regulations require 4 credit classes to exceed 180 hours)