- Paper Melting temperature prediction using a graph neural network model: from ancient minerals to new materials
is featured on phys.org.
- Paper Interactive Exploration of High-Dimensional Phase Diagrams
selected as Editor's choice (2022).
- Chiraag Nataraj joins Sandia National Labs (2022).
- Qijun Hong joins Arizona State University as an assistant professor (2021).
- Paper “Re-entrant melting of sodium, magnesium and aluminum: General trend”
featured on `News from Brown'
- Sara Kadkhodaei to join the University of Illinois at Chicago in January 2019 as an assistant professor (2018).
- Among the top-5 most downloaded articles from the Calphad journal, 3 are from the van de Walle group (2018).
- Paper “Efficient stochastic generation of special quasirandom structures”
becomes an ISI “Highly Cited Paper”, the top 1% of papers in its field. (2018).
- Helena Liu awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2017).
- “Highly Cited Research certficate” from Elsevier, for the paper “Efficient stochastic generation of special quasirandom structures”, which is the most cited paper published since 2013 in the CALPHAD journal (2016).
- Paper “Automating phase diagram calculations”
is the most cited paper (both in absolute number and per year since publication) in the entire history of the Journal of Phase Equilibria and its sequel, the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, according to ISI's Web of Science Core Collection (2016).
- Paper “Prediction of the material with highest known melting point from ab initio molecular dynamics calculations”
featured in the Washington Post,
in Materials Today,
in IEEE spectrum,
in the Daily Mail (UK),
in Space Daily (Australia),
in Business insider,
on the Brown news site
and in the Brown Engineering Magazine, among other media outlets.
- Paper “Prediction of the material with highest known melting point from ab initio molecular dynamics calculations”
published as an Editor's Choice in Physical Review B (Rapid Communication).
- Paper “Efficient stochastic generation of special quasirandom structures”
is the most cited article in the Calphad journal since 2011, according to Scopus (2016).
- Paper “The free energy of mechanically unstable phases”
Published in Nature Communications.
- Sara Kadkhodaei awarded MRS Silver Graduate Student Award (2014).
- Perspective piece “Simulations provide a rare look at real melting”
published in Science (2014).
- Article “Multicomponent multisublattice alloys, nonconfigurational entropy and other additions to the Alloy Theoretic Automated Toolkit”
in the Calphad Journal receives “Top Cited Author” Elsevier certificate (2011).
- Axel van de Walle receives NSF CAREER grant (2010).
- Work on the tensorial cluster expansion featured on the cover of the June 2008 issue of Nature Materials.
[email protected] Sun, Oct 29, 2023 3:23:48 PM