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Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]


• The basics and how to store them: livestock, foodstuffs, and the ubiquitous pottery

• Saving for your funeral

• Fighting dark and cold: Lamps, fuel and clothing


• Bacharach, J. L. 2002. Fustat finds: beads, coins, medical instruments, textiles, and other artifacts from the Awad collection. Cairo; New York: American University in Cairo Press. (Foreword, Introduction and Sections on: Beads, Medical Instruments, Medical Prescriptions, Textiles)

• Excerpts about lamps from classical Arabic sources

• Halevi, L. 2007. Muhammad's grave: death rites and the making of Islamic society. New York: Columbia University Press. (Ch. 3 “Shrouds: Worldly Possessions in an Economy of Salvation”)

• Gabra, G., and M. Eaton-Krauss. 2006. The treasures of Coptic art in the Coptic Museum and churches of Old Cairo, Supreme Council of Antiquities edition. Cairo; New York: American University in Cairo Press. (“Articles of Daily Life”)

Lab Session using the F. E. Day Collection on 11/18

Thanksgiving week: We will have a class on 11/23 that will continue to work with the materials from the F.E. Day collection

Begin reading the novel Zayni Barakat over the break.