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Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
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[email protected]
Posted at Dec 04/2010 04:08PM:
Harrison Stark: The Thebaid is a region of southern Egypt that has often served an important political and administrative role. In Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt the region was considered crucial because of its proximity to the Red Sea. Later it becomes home to a high concentration of Christian monks and hermits; it is the birthplace of Pachomius.
Posted at Dec 06/2010 08:52PM:
ian: during the Roman period it was administered as a separate province and thus significant as an example of the changing administrative geography of what constitutes Egypt proper
Posted at Dec 07/2010 07:07PM:
Kathryn: I don't like to be overly pedantic, but in case anyone gets confused or learns it wrong, it's actually spelled 'Thebaid' (-ai- not -ia-).