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Writing Assignments

Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

Taken on its own, the word "armature" can suggest structural support, e.g. the framework reinforcing a building. Urban armature is in some ways like this because it connotes the tying together of a community or other entity through similar forms and materials. In Rome, arches like the Arch of Titus were broadly embraced, just as fountains, forums and columns could be found in almost every city that fell under Rome's grasp. Urban armature goes beyond types of architecture, as well, and can also suggest common materials used. -- Eric Johnson

Posted at Dec 01/2008 01:33PM:
Siham: Armature in Rome was strongly based on arches, particularly of the honorific and triumphal sort. The Arch of Titus not only stands out as a brilliant piece of sculpture and commemoration, but also ties in the architecture of the city. Made of marble and travertine, it encompassed the materials of it's surrounding architecture. The armature of the arch is also prominent in the use of an arch as the gateway to the city, thus arches symbolize a true city.