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Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

sarah baker

joe ellis

dani candelora- group spokesperson

Max Gindi

Ross Leskin

Richie Rabbitt

Tess Plant-Thomas

We still need to talk about the relative sizes of the armies. It seems like most of the readings concur that there were more Egyptians than Hittites. (maybe 25,000 to 20,000 ??). So, if the Egyptians are split equally into 4 groups (not counting Seth here) and the Hitties are split into 2 groups, but there are more Egyptians than Hittites total, that will work. Maybe the Egyptians division each have 30 people (120 total), while the Hittite divison have 50 people (100 total)...this will of course change depending on the final head count.    ~ Sarah

Posted at Apr 08/2010 05:54PM:
Andrew_Mathis: Healy places the skirmish between the first wave of Hittite chariots and the Division of P'Re to the west of the tributary of the Orontes. In other words, Healy has the Hittite chariots crossing both the Orontes and the tributary before reaching P'Re. (See Healy pp. 58-59, PDF p. 22). In contrast, Spalinger puts P'Re's position in between the tributary and the Orontes (see p.210). From our discussion on the main green today, it seems like we are using Spalinger's interpretation. Is this correct?

Yeah, that seems like what we are going with. Breasted also puts the skirmish between the rivers. Have we found other readings that agree or disagree?? ~ Sarah

Draft of Final Timesheet attached below. This will probably change before the battle, but all the basic information is there. ~ Sarah

Document Iconbattletimesheet.xlsx