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Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology



Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology & the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912
Telephone: (401) 863-3188
Fax: (401) 863-9423
[email protected]

Committee Chairmen 

Alex Rieckhoff (Script Writing)
[email protected]
Phone: (949) 395-3287

Jonah Cader (Outfitting Committee)
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: (917) 623-4397

Emily Gilbert (PR/Tech)
Email address: [email protected]
Phone: (908) 370-5762

Chip Lebovitz (Budget and Planning)
Email address: [email protected]
(484) 988-0253

Ariana Gunderson (Research & Information)
Email address: [email protected] 
Phone: (978) 790-2342 


Casting the speaking and acting roles:

Narrator: Ariana Gunderson

Ramses (Speaking): Andrew Waters

Ramses (Acting): William Phillips

Muwatalli (Speaking): Tanya Olson

Muwatalli (Acting): Jonah Cader

Spies/deserters (acting): Malaika Drebin, Phillipe Roberts

Spy/Deserter (speaking): Madeleine Jennewein

Scouts (acting): Kate Woods, Campbell Housh

Scout (speaking):Margaret Dushko

If anyone has any issues with the casting, contact [email protected] and we can resolve them.

Acquiring speakers for voice projection: 
-Email [email protected] if you have access to speakers and/or microphones!!!

April 10th: In-class practice, 30 min
April 15th: 12-1 PM and 1-2:20 PM, practice with out-of-class volunteers
April 17th: BATTLE!!

Current Work, Reports, etc.

Outfitting Committee:
3/13/14 - We formulated group goals, identified necessary information to be obtained from other committees, formed three subcommittees (clothing, weapons, and terrain objects), and hashed-out a preliminary timeline for the research, design, prototyping, and mass-production of scenery and accessories. (See below)
For Tuesday:

For Thursday: 

Durring/After Spring Break:



Google Doc:

Interaction with other committees

Budget and planning: 

  1. Fundraising letters will be sent out by Thursday.
  2. Prelimiary committee budget forms have been sent to the committee chairs.

Research and Information

The Research and Information Committee looks forward to disseminating scholarly background-information to our class, our volunteers, and the battle’s spectators.

Primary sources describing the events of the battle from both the Egyptian and Hittite perspective will be our first research priority.  We will also gather information on the reign of Ramses II and the relationship between Egypt and the Levant leading up to the battle.

For the spectators, we will summarize this information and present it in the form of posters stationed around the Quiet Green on the day of the battle.  We hope to design these to be visually attractive and to portray key points efficiently.  By working with the Scriptwriting committee, we hope to coordinate these posters with the movements of the battle.

We will craft an information-rich handout for our volunteers, again in tandem with the work of the Scriptwriting committee.  Our goal will be for this handout to give a scholarly background to the movements assigned by the volunteer coordinators so that the volunteers can get the most out of their experience.  We also hope that with this deeper understanding of the battle, the volunteers will perform their tasks with more enthusiasm and accuracy.  Copies of these handouts will be available for spectators to take if they are interested in more information.

The bulk of our work will be for our classmates.  We will assemble all of the sources describing the battle and make them available to the class with a summary of the key points.  We will also do this for secondary sources that we consider to be particularly important for the whole class.  Our committee also hopes to locate the best possible images for the Outfitting, Scriptwriting, and PR committees to use in their work. 

We will be speaking with the other committees to request that they send us a copy of their bibliographies regularly so we can confirm they are using good sources.  We hope to use this knowledge to assist in inter-committee communication by suggesting that one committee share sources with another if applicable.  If a committee is struggling to find information on a particular topic, we will do our best to get them going in the right direction.

Script Writing: 

Creating a script for the battle, including:
     Lines for the narrator and actors 
     Choreography/troop movements
     Internal organization of divisions

Casting the speaking and acting roles:

Narrator: Ariana Gunderson
Ramses (Speaking): Andrew Waters
Ramses (Acting): William Phillips
Muwatalli (Speaking): Tanya Olson
Muwatalli (Acting): Jonah Cader
Scouts/Spies/Voice Extras: Margaret Dushko, Chad McAuliffe, Angela Cao
Acting Leads: Malaika Drebin, Phillipe Roberts, Kate Woods, Campbell Housh

Acquiring speakers for voice projection: 
-Email [email protected] if you have access to speakers and/or microphones!!!

Training volunteers the day of, and in one hour long session before:

April 10th: In-class practice, 30 min
April 15th: 12-1 PM and 1-2:20 PM, practice with out-of-class volunteers
April 17th: BATTLE!!