- Menu
- ALL (234 )
- 5th Ave 500
- Alumnae Hall
- Andrews Hall
- Andrews House
- Andrews Memorial Building
- Angell St 127
- Angell St 129
- Angell St 164
- Angell St 169
- Angell St 195
- Annmary Brown Memorial Library
- Archibald-Bronson: Keeney Quad
- Arnold Lab
- Barbour Hall
- Barus & Holley
- Barus Building
- Benevolent St 005
- Benevolent St 020
- Benevolent St 022
- Benevolent St 026
- Benevolent St 074-080
- Benevolent St 083-085
- Benevolent St 084
- Benevolent St 086
- Benevolent St 088
- Benevolent St 093
- Benoni Cooke House
- Bio-Med ACF
- Bio-Med Ctr
- Bio-Med Grimshaw-Gudewicz
- Blistein House
- Bowen St 219
- Bowen St 244
- Bowen St 247
- Bowen St 251
- Broadway 233
- Brook St 245-247
- Brook St 250
- Brook St 281-283
- Brook St 287
- Brook St 291
- Brook St 456
- Brown St 068.5
- Brown St 070
- Brown St 111
- Brown St 131-133
- Brown Stadium
- Buxton House: Wriston Quad
- Caswell Hall
- Central Heat Plant
- Champlin: Pembroke Quad
- Chapin House: Wriston Quad
- Charlesfield St 059
- Charlesfield St 066-068
- Charlesfield St 070-072
- Charlesfield St 071-073
- Charlesfield St 075
- Charlesfield St 108-110
- Churchill House
- Claverick St 055
- Cooke St 037
- Corliss-Brackett
- Cushing St 084-086
- Cushing St 154
- Cushing St 166
- Davol Sq 001
- Davol Sq 003
- Diman House: Wriston Quad
- Dyer House
- Dyer St 200
- Dyer St 225
- Eddy St 339
- Eddy St 349
- Elm St 043
- Elm St 110
- Emery: Pembroke Quad
- Engineering Research Center
- Euclid Ave 001
- Everett-Poland: Keeney Quad
- Faculty Club
- Faunce House
- Feinstein
- Fiering House
- Fones Alley 008
- Fox Point Day Care Ctr
- Friedman Hall
- Gardner House
- Geo-Chem Bldg
- George St 025
- George St 067
- George St 155
- George St 180
- George St 182
- Gerard House, Samuel N.
- Giddings House
- Goddard House: Wriston Quad
- Graduate Ctr A
- Graduate Ctr B
- Graduate Ctr C
- Graduate Ctr D
- Graduate Ctr E
- Granoff Ctr For The Creative Arts
- Grant Fulton
- Haffenreffer Barn
- Haffenreffer Caretaker House
- Haffenreffer Museum Collections Res
- Haffenreffer Outing Reservation Fac
- Harkness House: Wriston Quad
- Hegeman Hall
- Hemisphere Bldg
- Hillel House
- Hirschfeld House
- Hope College
- Hope St 170
- Hope St 190
- Hoppin (Thomas P.) House
- Horace Mann House
- Jameson-Mead: Keeney Quad
- John Carter Brown Library
- John Hay Library
- John St 050
- Kassar (Edward W.) House
- King House
- Ladd Observatory
- Lincoln Field Building
- Lippitt House
- List (Albert & Vera) Art Building
- Littlefield Hall
- Lloyd Ave 165-167
- Lyman Hall
- MacFarlane House
- Machado (Antonio) House
- MacMillan Hall
- Maddock Alumni Center
- Manning Hall
- Marcy House: Wriston Quad
- Marston Boathouse
- Marston Hall
- Maxcy Hall
- Medical Research Lab
- Meehan Auditorium
- Meeting St 205
- Meeting St 242
- Meiklejohn House
- Mencoff Hall
- Metcalf Hall
- Metcalf Research Building
- Miller Hall
- Minden Hall
- Montgomery St 601
- Morrison-Gerard Studio
- Morriss Hall: Pembroke Quad
- Nelson Fitness Center
- New Pembroke No. 1
- New Pembroke No. 2
- New Pembroke No. 3
- New Pembroke No. 4
- Nicholson House
- Nightingale-Brown House
- Norwood House
- Olive St 020
- Olney House: Wriston Quad
- Olney-Margolies Athletic Center
- Orwig Music Hall
- Page-Robinson Hall
- Park Lane 010
- Partridge Hall & Annex
- Pembroke Field House
- Pembroke Hall
- Perkins Hall
- Peter Green House
- Pizzitola
- Power St 089
- Power St Parking Garage
- President's House
- Prince Engineering Lab
- Prospect House
- Rhode Island Hall
- Richmond St 196
- Richmond St 222
- Richmond St 222 Parking Garage
- Richmond St 233
- Robinson Hall
- Rochambeau House
- Rockefeller (John D., Jr.) Library
- Salomon Ctr For Teaching
- Sayles Hall
- Sciences Library
- Sears House: Wriston Quad
- Sharpe House
- Sharpe Refectory
- Ship St 026
- Ship St 070
- Shirley Miller House
- Sidney E. Frank Hall Life Sciences
- Slater Hall
- Smith-Buonanno Hall
- South Main St 121
- South Street Landing
- Steinert Center
- Stephen Robert Hall
- Sternlicht Commons and Brown University Health & Wellness Center
- Stimson Ave 002
- T.F. Green Hall
- Thayer St 135
- Thayer St 271
- Thayer St 272
- Thayer St 307
- Thayer St 315
- University Hall
- Urban Environmental Lab
- Vartan Gregorian Quad A
- Vartan Gregorian Quad B
- Verney-Woolley Hall: Pembroke Quad
- Walter Hall
- Waterman St 070
- Waterman St 085
- Waterman St 086
- Waterman St 094
- Waterman St 125-127
- Waterman St 129
- Waterman St 131
- Waterman St 133
- Waterman St 137
- Watson Center For Information Tech
- Watson Institute
- Wayland House: Wriston Quad
- West House
- Wilbour Hall
- Woolley Hall: Pembroke Quad
- Young Orchard Ave 002
- Young Orchard Ave 004
- Young Orchard Ave 010
- Alumnae Hall
- Angell St 164
- Angell St 169
- Angell St 195
- Arnold Lab
- Barus & Holley
- Barus Building
- Bio-Med ACF
- Bio-Med Ctr
- Bio-Med Grimshaw-Gudewicz
- Blistein House
- Brown St 068.5
- Brown St 070
- Charlesfield St 059
- Churchill House
- Claverick St 055
- Corliss-Brackett
- Dyer St 225
- Eddy St 339
- Engineering Research Center
- Euclid Ave 001
- Feinstein
- Fones Alley 008
- Friedman Hall
- Geo-Chem Bldg
- George St 067
- George St 155
- George St 180
- George St 182
- Gerard House, Samuel N.
- Giddings House
- Granoff Ctr For The Creative Arts
- Grant Fulton
- Haffenreffer Barn
- Haffenreffer Museum Collections Res
- Hirschfeld House
- Hope St 170
- Hope St 190
- Hoppin (Thomas P.) House
- John St 050
- Kassar (Edward W.) House
- Ladd Observatory
- Lincoln Field Building
- Lippitt House
- List (Albert & Vera) Art Building
- Lyman Hall
- MacFarlane House
- MacMillan Hall
- Manning Hall
- Marston Hall
- Maxcy Hall
- Medical Research Lab
- Meiklejohn House
- Mencoff Hall
- Metcalf Research Building
- Morrison-Gerard Studio
- Nicholson House
- Nightingale-Brown House
- Norwood House
- Orwig Music Hall
- Pembroke Hall
- Peter Green House
- Prince Engineering Lab
- Prospect House
- Rhode Island Hall
- Richmond St 222
- Robinson Hall
- Rochambeau House
- Salomon Ctr For Teaching
- Sayles Hall
- Sharpe House
- Ship St 026
- Ship St 070
- Shirley Miller House
- Sidney E. Frank Hall Life Sciences
- Smith-Buonanno Hall
- South Main St 121
- Steinert Center
- Stephen Robert Hall
- Stimson Ave 002
- Thayer St 135
- Urban Environmental Lab
- Walter Hall
- Waterman St 070
- Waterman St 085
- Waterman St 094
- Waterman St 131
- Waterman St 133
- Waterman St 137
- Watson Center For Information Tech
- Watson Institute
- Wilbour Hall
RES HALL (47 )
- Andrews Hall
- Archibald-Bronson: Keeney Quad
- Barbour Hall
- Bowen St 219
- Brown St 111
- Buxton House: Wriston Quad
- Caswell Hall
- Champlin: Pembroke Quad
- Chapin House: Wriston Quad
- Diman House: Wriston Quad
- Emery: Pembroke Quad
- Everett-Poland: Keeney Quad
- Goddard House: Wriston Quad
- Graduate Ctr A
- Graduate Ctr B
- Graduate Ctr C
- Graduate Ctr D
- Harkness House: Wriston Quad
- Hegeman Hall
- Hope College
- Jameson-Mead: Keeney Quad
- King House
- Littlefield Hall
- Machado (Antonio) House
- Marcy House: Wriston Quad
- Metcalf Hall
- Miller Hall
- Minden Hall
- Morriss Hall: Pembroke Quad
- New Pembroke No. 1
- New Pembroke No. 2
- New Pembroke No. 3
- New Pembroke No. 4
- Olney House: Wriston Quad
- Perkins Hall
- Sears House: Wriston Quad
- Slater Hall
- Sternlicht Commons and Brown University Health & Wellness Center
- Thayer St 315
- Vartan Gregorian Quad A
- Vartan Gregorian Quad B
- Wayland House: Wriston Quad
- West House
- Woolley Hall: Pembroke Quad
- Young Orchard Ave 002
- Young Orchard Ave 004
- Young Orchard Ave 010
- Angell St 127
- Angell St 129
- Benevolent St 074-080
- Benevolent St 084
- Benevolent St 086
- Bowen St 244
- Bowen St 247
- Bowen St 251
- Brook St 245-247
- Brook St 281-283
- Brook St 287
- Brook St 291
- Brook St 456
- Charlesfield St 066-068
- Charlesfield St 070-072
- Charlesfield St 071-073
- Charlesfield St 108-110
- Cushing St 084-086
- Cushing St 154
- Cushing St 166
- Lloyd Ave 165-167
- Meeting St 242
- Olive St 020
- Power St 089
- Waterman St 086
- Waterman St 125-127
- Waterman St 129
LEED (14 )
- All (84 )
- Alden Track (Olney-Margolies Athletic Center)
- Alumnae Hall Auditorium (Alumnae Hall)
- Andrews Dining Room (Andrews Hall)
- Ashamu Dance Studio (Lyman Hall)
- Assembly (Pembroke Field House)
- Assembly (Pembroke Hall)
- Blue Room (Faunce House)
- Brian Room (Maddock Alumni Center)
- Brown Med Alumni Assoc Boardrm (Richmond St 222)
- C.V. Starr Auditorium (MacMillan Hall)
- Chancellor's Dining Room (Sharpe Refectory)
- Chancellor's Dining Room Annex (Sharpe Refectory)
- Class of 1933 Room (Maddock Alumni Center)
- Class of 1974 Auditorium (Smith-Buonanno Hall)
- Classroom (Rhode Island Hall)
- Classroom (MacMillan Hall)
- Cohen Gallery (Granoff Ctr For The Creative Arts)
- Commons Room (Alumnae Hall)
- Conference Room (University Hall)
- Corridor (MacMillan Hall)
- Corridor (MacMillan Hall)
- Crystal Room (Alumnae Hall)
- De Ciccio Family Auditorium (Salomon Ctr For Teaching)
- Dining Room #6 (Sharpe Refectory)
- Dining Room #8 (Sharpe Refectory)
- Dining Room #9 (Sharpe Refectory)
- Dr Julius Irving Lobby (Meehan Auditorium)
- Englander Studio (Granoff Ctr For The Creative Arts)
- Erik J. Sirulnick, MD Case Study Rm (Richmond St 222)
- Faunce Memorial Room (Faunce House)
- Front Alcove (Sharpe Refectory)
- Goldberger Room (Maddock Alumni Center)
- Gymnasium (Pizzitola)
- Heritage Room (Maddock Alumni Center)
- Hopkins Lobby (Barus & Holley)
- Isabella Russek Leeds Theatre (Lyman Hall)
- Joukowsky Auditorium (Watson Institute)
- Joukowsky Room (Pizzitola)
- Kasper Multipurpose Room (Faunce House)
- Kim Koo Library (Watson Institute)
- Lanpher Room (Maddock Alumni Center)
- Lecture Room (Barus & Holley)
- Lecture Room (Salomon Ctr For Teaching)
- Lecture Room (List (Albert & Vera) Art Building)
- Leung Family Gallery (Faunce House)
- Lobby (Faunce House)
- Lobby (Watson Institute)
- Lobby (Hillel House)
- Lobby (Sidney E. Frank Hall Life Sciences)
- Lobby (List (Albert & Vera) Art Building)
- Lobby (List (Albert & Vera) Art Building)
- Lobby (Salomon Ctr For Teaching)
- Lobby (Rhode Island Hall)
- Lobby (Salomon Ctr For Teaching)
- Lobby (Pizzitola)
- Louis J. Novak Ampitheater (Bio-Med Ctr)
- Main Dining Area (Sharpe Refectory)
- Main Dining Area (Sharpe Refectory)
- Main Dining Area (Sharpe Refectory)
- Main Dining Area (Sharpe Refectory)
- Main Hall (Sayles Hall)
- Manning Chapel (Manning Hall)
- Marcuvitz Auditorium (Sidney E. Frank Hall Life Sciences)
- Martinos Auditorium (Granoff Ctr For The Creative Arts)
- Mckinney Conference Room (Watson Institute)
- MEETING ROOM (Hillel House)
- Michael G. Ehrlich, MD Case Stdy Rm (Richmond St 222)
- Petteruti Lounge (Faunce House)
- President's Dining Room (Sharpe Refectory)
- Rear Alcove (Sharpe Refectory)
- Ress Auditorium (Barus & Holley)
- Richard C Barker '57presentation Rm (Brown St 070)
- Richard Fishman Studio (Granoff Ctr For The Creative Arts)
- Rimi Commons (Richmond St 222)
- Sholem Family Lounge (Faunce House)
- Stuart Theater (Faunce House)
- Surgical Arts Multipurpose Room (Richmond St 222)
- Suskind Lobby (Smith-Buonanno Hall)
- Tanner Auditorium (Barus & Holley)
- Underground (Faunce House)
- WINNICK CHAPEL (Hillel House)
- Young Arcade (Faunce House)
- Alumnae Hall (3)
- Andrews Hall (1)
- Barus & Holley (4)
- Bio-Med Ctr (1)
- Brown St 070 (1)
- Faunce House (10)
- Granoff Ctr Fo.. (4)
- Hillel House (5)
- List (Albert &.. (3)
- Lyman Hall (2)
- MacMillan Hall (4)
- Maddock Alumni.. (5)
- Manning Hall (1)
- Meehan Auditor.. (1)
- Olney-Margolie.. (1)
- Pembroke Field.. (1)
- Pembroke Hall (1)
- Pizzitola (3)
- Rhode Island H.. (2)
- Richmond St 222 (5)
- Salomon Ctr Fo.. (4)
- Sayles Hall (1)
- Sharpe Refecto.. (12)
- Sidney E. Fran.. (2)
- Smith-Buonanno.. (2)
- University Hall (1)
- Watson Institu.. (4)
- Academic Finance and Administration
- Advance Clinical and Translational Research
- Africana Studies
- Alumni Relations
- American Studies
- Annenberg Institute
- Anthropology
- Applied Mathematics
- Athletics
- Bell Gallery
- Bio-Med Administration General
- Bio-Med Facilities Planning and Operations
- Biobank
- Biomed Gateways
- Biostatistics
- Bookstore Admin
- Brown Arts Initiative
- Brown Card
- Brown Center for Students of Color
- Brown University Oncology Group
- Budget
- Bursar
- Business Entrepreneurship Organizations
- Carney Institute For Brain Science
- Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
- Center for Biomedical Informatics
- Center for Computation and Visualization
- Center for Computational Molecular Biology
- Center for Environmental Health and Technology
- Center for Evidence Synthesis in Health
- Center for Gerontology and Health Care Research
- Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity
- Center for Language Studies
- Center for Life After Brown
- Center for Public Policy and American Institutions
- Center for Statistical Sciences
- Center for Study of Slavery and Justice
- Center for The Study of Race and Ethnicity In America
- Centers for Epidemiology and Environmental Health
- Chemistry
- Choices Education Program
- CIS Administration
- Classics
- Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences
- Cogut Institute for the Humanities
- College Admission
- Community and Government Relations
- Comparative Literature
- Computer Science
- Controller
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Data Science Initiative
- Dean of the College
- Dean of the Faculty Office
- Dermatology
- Dining Admin & General
- Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences
- East Asian Studies
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Economics
- Education
- Education Alliance
- Egyptology and Assyriology
- English
- Entrepreneurship Initiative
- Environmental Health and Safety
- Epidemiology
- EVP Planning and Policy
- Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Facilities Management Operations
- Faculty Club
- Faculty Governance
- Faculty Ombudsperson
- Financial Aid Office
- Financial and Administrative Services
- French Studies
- German
- Global Engagement
- Global Health Initiative
- Graduate School
- Graphic Services Administration
- Haffenreffer Museum
- Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute
- Health Services
- Health Services Policy and Practice
- Hispanic Studies
- History
- History of Art and Architecture
- Human Resources
- Institute at Brown for Environment and Society
- Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics
- Institutional Diversity
- Institutional Research
- Internal Audit
- International Health Institute
- International Student and Scholar Services
- Investment Office
- Italian Studies
- John Carter Brown Library
- John Nicholas Brown Center
- Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and The Ancient World
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies
- Leadership Alliance
- Literary Arts
- Loan Office
- Mail Service
- Mathematics
- Medical Student Affairs
- Middle East Studies
- Modern Culture and Media
- Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation
- Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry
- Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
- Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology and Biotechnology
- Multi Disciplinary Laboratories
- Music
- Native American & Indigenous Studies
- Neuroscience
- Non-Brown Users
- Office of International Programs
- Office of Sponsored Projects
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research On Women
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Political Theory Project
- Population Studies
- Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
- President's Office
- Program in Judaic Studies
- Program In Medieval Studies
- Program In Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
- Program In Urban Studies
- Provost
- Psychiatry and Human Behavior
- Public Health Academic
- Public Health Administration
- Public Safety
- Purchasing
- Registrar
- Religious Studies
- Research Protections Office
- Residential Life
- Andrews Hall
- Barbour Hall
- Bowen St 219
- Brown St 111
- Buxton House: Wriston Quad
- Caswell Hall
- Champlin: Pembroke Quad
- Chapin House: Wriston Quad
- Diman House: Wriston Quad
- Emery: Pembroke Quad
- Goddard House: Wriston Quad
- Graduate Ctr A
- Graduate Ctr B
- Graduate Ctr C
- Graduate Ctr D
- Graduate Ctr E
- Harkness House: Wriston Quad
- Hegeman Hall
- Hope College
- King House
- Archibald-Bronson: Keeney Quad
- Everett-Poland: Keeney Quad
- Jameson-Mead: Keeney Quad
- Littlefield Hall
- Machado (Antonio) House
- Marcy House: Wriston Quad
- Metcalf Hall
- Miller Hall
- Minden Hall
- Morriss Hall: Pembroke Quad
- New Pembroke No. 1
- New Pembroke No. 2
- New Pembroke No. 3
- New Pembroke No. 4
- Olney House: Wriston Quad
- Perkins Hall
- Sears House: Wriston Quad
- Slater Hall
- Thayer St 315
- Vartan Gregorian Quad A
- Vartan Gregorian Quad B
- Wayland House: Wriston Quad
- West House
- Woolley Hall: Pembroke Quad
- Young Orchard Ave 002
- Young Orchard Ave 004
- Young Orchard Ave 010
- Sarah Doyle Women's Center and LGBTQ Center
- School of Engineering
- School of Professional Studies
- Senior Vice President for Advancement
- Slavic Studies
- Sociology
- Student Activities
- Student Life
- Swearer Center
- The Harriet W Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning
- Theatre Arts and Performance Studies
- Transportation Office
- University Auxiliary Housing
- Angell St 127
- Angell St 129
- Benevolent St 022
- Benevolent St 074-080
- Benevolent St 084
- Benevolent St 086
- Bowen St 244
- Bowen St 247
- Bowen St 251
- Brook St 245-247
- Brook St 281-283
- Brook St 456
- Charlesfield St 070-072
- Charlesfield St 071-073
- Charlesfield St 108-110
- Cushing St 084-086
- Cushing St 154
- Cushing St 166
- Gardner House
- Haffenreffer Caretaker House
- Lloyd Ave 165-167
- Olive St 020
- Waterman St 086
- Waterman St 125-127
- University Chaplaincy
- University Communications
- University Library
- Vice President and General Counsel
- Vice President for Campus Life
- Vice President for Research
- Visual Art
- Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Building Name X