This web site is dedicated to José and Guita Mindlin for every
pleasant minute I spent in their library and for their friendship.
To Terry Belanger for opening up horizons.
Special thanks to Norman Fiering, Director and Librarian of the John
Carter Brown Library, for his always useful suggestions and constant support.
Thanks to:
Leslie Mundy, DCC and consultant for the Código Brasiliense Project
at the John Carter Brown Library.
To my friends and colleagues Marcelo Fontinha (Computer Systems
Analist, VA), Beth Frota (Economist, Brasil), Ricardo Dias Campos
(Computer System Analist, RSI, Brazil), Blanche T. Ebeling-Koning
(Rare Book Cataloguer, John Carter Brown Library), David Whitesell (Rare Book Cataloguer, Houghton
Library, Harvard University, MA), and Rízio Bruno Sant’Ana
(Director, Biblioteca Pública Mário de Andrade, São
Paulo, Brazil).
To Richard Benjamin, for allowing the link to his beautiful photos of Providence.
This site was designed by Gilbert Design Associates, Inc., Providence, Rhode Island.
Content for the Index of Laws organized and added by the Student Technology Assistant (STA) Program. The STA Program is managed by Giovanna Roz, CIS Instructional Technology Coordinator. My warm thanks to the STA team for publishing all text images which make the online reading of the entire Código possible. |