John Carter Brown Library
Browse the Indigenous Languages of the Americas

Your search for Specimen in the <strong>Genre</strong> field yields 102 results.

AuthorTitlePublication Date
<no author>Algemeine Geschichte der Länder und Völker von America. Erster Theil. [Zweiter Theil.] Nebst einer Vorrede Siegmund Jacob Baumgartens.1752-1753
<no author>Allgemeine Historie der Reisen zu Wasser und Lande; oder Sammlung aller Reisebeschreibungen, welche bis itzo in verschiedenen Sprachen von allen Völkern herausgegeben worden... Durch eine Gesellschaft gelehrter Männer im Englischen zusammen getragen und aus demselben und dem Französischen ins Deutsche übersetzt.1747-1774
<no author>Traduccion al mexicano de las promesas de Ntro. Señor á la B. Margarita Alacoque = Tlatoltlayectilli in Jesucristo in yeg ichpochtli Margarita Maria Alacoque, in ipampa inoque qui Yectlazotla ni Teotlacatzin Yollo.1887
<no author>Album de Morelos.1889
<no author>Beschrijvinghe van Virginia, Nieuw Nederlandt, Nieuw Engelandt, en d’Eylanden Bermudes, Berbados, en S. Christoffel. Dienstelijck voor elck een derwaerts handelende, en alle voort-planters van nieuw colonien. Met kopere figuren verciert.1651
<no author>Chronologen. Ein periodisches Werk von Wekhrlin. Erster [-Zwölfter] Band.1779-1781
<no author>[Boban calendar wheel][1545 or 1546]
Vetancurt, Augustín de, 1620-1700.NexcuitilMachiotl quimoteittitila. Yn to nantzin. Santa Yglesia ytechpa tlâtohua. Çe tlâtlacohuani Aic chipahualiztica. Omoyolcuiti Ocentelchihualoc Mictlan. Oquimotecpanilli padre fray Augustin de Betancurt San Francisco teycnoPiltzin; San Joseph Mexico motlapielia[1749]
Aldama y Guevara, José Agustin de, d. 1770?Alabado en lengua mexicana.1755
Bacqueville de la Potherie, M. de (Claude-Charles le Roy), 1668-1738.Voyage de l’Amerique, contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus remarquable dans l’Amerique septentrionale depuis 1534 jusqu’à present.1723
Baudry des Lozières, Louis Narcisse, 1761-1841.Voyage a la Louisiane et sur le continent de l’Amérique septentrionale, fait dans les années 1794 à 1798.1802
Bayer, Wolfgang, 1722-1796.Herrn P. Wolfgang Bayers, ehemaligen americanischen Glaubenspredigers der Gesellschaft Jesu, Reise nach Peru.1776
Bayer, Wolfgang, 1722-1796.Reize naar Peru, van 1749 tot 1770.1782
Belmar, Francisco, b. 1859?Cartilla del idioma zapoteco serrano.1890
Berendt, C. Hermann (Carl Hermann), 1817-1878.Cartilla en lengua Maya para la enseñanza de los niños indigenas.1871
Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé, 1814-1874.Quatre lettres sur le Mexique: exposition absolue du système hiéroglyphique mexicain la fin de l’Age de Pierre. Époque glaciaire temporaire commencement de l’Age de Bronze. Origines de la civilisation et des religions de l’antiquité; d’après le Teo-Amoxtli et autres documents mexicains, etc.1868
Brébeuf, Jean de, Saint, 1593-1649.Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans le pays des Hurons en l'annee 1636.[1637]
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780.Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768.1778
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780.Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768.1779
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780.Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767, and 1768 ... The second edition.1779
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780.Johann Carvers Reisen durch die innern Gegenden von Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1766, 1767 und 1768.1780
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780.Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768 ... The third edition.1781
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780.Three years' travels, through the interior parts of North America... Together with a concise history of the genius, manners, and customs of the Indians inhabiting the lands that lie adjacent to the heads and to the westward of the great river Mississippi.1784
Catholic Church.Manual breue, y forma de administrar los santos sacramentos à los Indios. Recopilado por el P. Fr. Martin de Leon, de la orden de Predicadores1640
Catholic Church.[Mohawk antiphonary]. Thomas oniatariio ii sakson ne ken iatonsera kisa. Thomas oniatario Rernaei[.] Martin Earp canata.[1810?]
Edwards, Jonathan, 1745-1801.Observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians; in which the extent of that language in North-America is shewn; its genius is grammatically traced; some of its peculiarities, and some instances of analogy between that and the Hebrew are pointed out. Communicated to the Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, and published at the request of the Society.[1788]
Edwards, Jonathan, 1745-1801.Observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians; in which the extent of that language in North-America is shewn; its genius is grammatically traced; some of its peculiarities, and some instances of analogy between that and the Hebrew are pointed out. Communicated to the Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, and published at the request of the Society. 1789
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1784.A description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America containing an account of the ... language of the Indian inhabitants.1774
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1784.Beschreibung von Patagonien und den angrenzenden Theilen von Südamerika.1775
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1784.Description des terres magellaniques et des pays adjacens.1787
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1784.Description des terres magellaniques et des pays adjacens.1787
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1784.Descripcion de Patagonia y de las partes adyacentes de la America Meridional, : que contiene una razon del suela producciones. Animales, valles, montañas, rios, lagunas, &c. de aquellos paises: la religion, govierno, politica, costumbres, y lengua de sus moradores con algunas particularidades relativas a las islas de Falkland. / Escrita en idioma inglés. Por D[o]n. Thomas Falkaner que residio cerca de quarenta años en aquellas partes. ; Traducida al castellano por D[o]n. Manuel Machon oficial de la secretaria del consejor hacienda por lo respectivo a millioner. ; Con un nuevo mapa de las partes meridionales de America.1774
Fritz, Johann Friedrich.Orientalisch- und occidentalischer Sprachmeister, welcher nicht allein hundert Alphabete nebst ihrer Aussprache, so bey denen meisten europäisch- asiatisch- africanisch- und americanischen Völckern und Nationen gebräuchlich sind.1748
Galicia Chimalpopoca, Faustino, d. 1877.Silabario de idioma mexicano.1849
Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585.Siguense unos breves sermones en la lengua de michuacan para cada domingo del ano fundados sobre un thema aunque por diversas materias, ordenados por el p[adre] fr[ay] Mathurino Gilberti fraile menor en la dicha provincia.[1559?]
Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585.Thema para que se oy galaboz del señor[1559?]
Gilii, Filippo Salvadore, 1721-1789.Saggio di storia americana o Sia storia naturale, civile, e sacra de regni, e delle provincie spagnuole di terra-ferma nell’America meridionale.1780-1784
Guichart, Vincent-Fleuri, 1729-1793.[Iroquois translation manual for the missionaries at Lac des Deux Montagnes, Québec][after 1754]
Guichart, Vincent-Fleuri, 1729-1793.[Iroquois translation manual for the missionaries at Lac des Deux Montagnes, Québec][after 1754]
Jesuits.Mémoires géographiques, physiques et historiques. Sur l'Asie, l'Afrique & l'Amérique. Tirés des lettres édifiantes, & des voyages des missionnaires Jesuites.1767
Laet, Joannes de, 1593-1649.Novus orbis seu descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis Libri XVIII... Novis tabulis geographicis et variis animantium, plantarum fructuumque iconibus illustrati. 1633
Le Boulanger, Jean Baptiste, 1685-1740.[French and Miami-Illinois Dictionary][18th century]
Le Mercier, François, 1604-1690.Relation de ce qui s’est passé en la mission des peres de la Compagnie de Iesus, en la Nouuelle France, es annees 1653. & 1654.1655
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Histoire d'vn voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique. Contenant... les meurs [sic] et façons de viure estranges des sauuages ameriquains auec vn colloque de leur langage.1578
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Histoire d'vn voyage faict en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique. Contenant... les moeurs & façons de viure estranges des sauuages ameriquains: auec vn colloque de leur language. 1580
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Histoire d'vn voyage faict en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique. Contenant... les moeurs & façons de viure estranges des sauuages bresiliens auec vn colloque de leur language... reueue, corrigee & bien augmentee de discours notables, en ceste troisieme edition.1585
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Historia nauigationis in Brasiliam, quae et America dicitur... Brasiliensium victus & mores, à nostris admodum alieni, cum eorum linguae dialogo.1586
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Histoire d'vn voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique. Contenant... les moeurs & façons de viure estranges des sauuages ameriquains: auec vn colloque de leur langage... Reueue, corrigee, et bien augmentee en ceste troisieme edition.1594
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Historia nauigationis in Brasiliam quae et America dicitur... Brasiliensium victus & mores, à nostris admodum alieni, cum eorum linguae dialogo... Secunda editio.1594
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Histoire d'vn voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, dite Amerique. Contenant... les moeurs & façons de viure estranges des sauuages bresiliens : auec vn colloque de leur langage... Quatrieme edition.1600
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Histoire d'vn voyage fait en la terre du Bresil, dite Amerique. Contenant... les moeurs & façons de viure estanges des sauuages bresiliens auec vn colloque de leur language... Cinquieme edition.1611
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.De seer aanmerklijke en vermaarde reys van Johannes Lerius na Brazil in America... ten tijde der eerste aankoomst van de Françoisen in dit Weerlds-deel.1706
Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611.Des Herrn Johann von Lery Reise in Brasilien.1794
Lesseps, Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy, baron de, 1766-1834.Travels in Kamtschatka, during the years 1787 and 1788. Translated from the French of M. de Lesseps, consul of France, and interpreter to the Count de la Perouse.1790
Lesseps, Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy, baron de, 1766-1834.Journal historique du voyage.1790
Lesseps, Jean-Baptiste-Barthélemy, baron de, 1766-1834. Historisch dagverhaal der reize van den heer de Lesseps, : zedert het verlaaten van den Heer Graaf de La Perouse en zijne togtgenooten in de haven van St. Pieter & Paulus op Kamschatka, tot op zijne komst in Frankrijk, den 17. October 1788. Naar het Fransch1791-1792
Lloyd, David, 1597-1663The legend of Captain Jones: the first and second part. Relating his adventure to sea: his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear. His furious battel with his six and thirty men against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of Kemper castle. His strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers. His being taken prisoner, and hard usage. His being set at liberty by the kings command, and return for England. Also, his other incredible adventures and atchievements by sea and land; continued to his death1671
Lloyd, David, 1597-1663The legend of Captain Jones. Relating his adventure to sea: his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear. His furious battel with his six and thirty men, against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of Kemper Castle. His strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers. His taking prisoner, and hard usage. Lastly, his setting at liberty by the Kings command, and return for England1659
Lloyd, David, 1597-1663The wonderful, surprizing and uncommon voyages and adventures of Captain Jones, to Patagonia. Relating his adventures to sea. His first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear. His furious battle with his six and thirty men, against an army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of Kemper Castle. His strange and admirable sea fight with six huge galleys of Spain, and nine thousand soldiers. His being taken prisoner, and hard usage. His being set at liberty by the king's command, in exchange for twenty-four Spanish captains, and return for England. A comical description of Captain Jones's ruby nose. Part the second. His incredible adventures and atchievements [sic] by sea and land, particularly his miraculous deliverance from a wreck at sea, by the support of a dolphin. His several desperate duels. His combat with Bahader Cham, a giant of the race of Og. His loves with the queen of No-Land, and basely leaving her. His deep employments, and happy success in business of state. All which, and more, is but the tythe of his own relation, which he continued until he grew speechless and died. With his elegy and epitaph1766
Long, J. (John), Indian Trader.Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trader, describing the manners and customs of the North American Indians situated on the river St. Laurence, Lake Ontario, %c. To which is added, a vocabulary of the Chippeway language. Names of furs and skins, in English and French. A list of words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux tongues, and a table, shewing the analogy between the Algonkin and Chippeway languages.1791
Long, J. (John), Indian trader.J. Long's westindischen Dollmetschers und Kaufmanns See- und Land-Reisen, enthaltend: eine Beschreibung der Sitten und Gewohnheiten der nordamerikanischen Wilden... ein umständliches Wörterbuch der Chippewäischen und anderer nordamerikanischen Sprachen.1791
Long, J. (John), Indian Trader.Voyages chez différentes nations sauvages de l'Amérique septentrionale; renfermant des détails curieux sur les moeurs, usages, cérémonies religieuses, le système militaire, &c. des Cahnuagas, des indiens des Cinq et Six Nations, Mohawks, Connecedagas, Iroquois, &c. des indiens Chippeways, & autres sauvages de divers tribus; sur leurs langues, les pays qu’ils habitent, ainsi que sur le commerce de pelleteries & fourrures qui se fait chez ces peuples.[1794]
Martínez, Alonso.Manual breve y conpendioso, para enpesar a aprender Lengua Zapoteca y administrar en caso de necessidad.[1871-1872]
Mimoso, João Sardinha, d. 1644.Relacion de la real tragicomedia con que los padres de la Compania de Iesus en su Colegio de S. Anton de Lisboa recibieron a la magestad catolica de Felipe II. de Portugal.[1620]
Mota, José de la.Alabado en mexicano, que contiene los principales misterios de nuestra santa fe.1808 or 1809?
Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von, 1733-1811, ed.Reisen einiger Missionarien der Gesellschaft Jesu in America. Aus ihren eigenen Aufsätzem jerausgegeben von Christoph Gottlieb von Murr. 1785
Mørch, Johan Christian, 1768-1830.Kaladlit pelleserkângoáeta Hans Egedib okallõutèi unnukorsiutit ajokærsukkaminut, agleksimagalloæt Johan Christian Mörch-mit Kakortormiut niuvertorigalloænnit mânalo titârnekartisimarsut Peter Kragh-mit gjerlevimiut pellesiáennit.1837
Occom, Samson, 1723-1792.A sermon at the execution of Moses Paul, an Indian; who had been guilty of murder, preached at New Haven in America... To which is added a short account of the late spread of the gospel, among the Indians. Also observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians; communicated to the Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, by Jonathan Edwards. 1788
Oldmixon, John, 1673-1742.The British Empire in America: containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress and present state of all the British colonies, on the continent and islands of America.1708
Oldmixon, John, 1673-1742.Gross-Britannisches America: nach seiner Erfindung. Bevölckerung und allerneuestem Zustand... aus dem Englischen übersetzet durch M. Vischer.1710
Oldmixon, John, 1673-1742.Het Britannische ryk in Amerika ... uit het Engelsch ... vertaald.1721
Oldmixon, John, 1673-1742.The British empire in America... Second edition, corrected and amended.1741
Pandosy, Marie Charles, 1824-1901.Grammar and dictionary of the Yakama language.1862
Patiño, Francisco Xavier.Proclama del mas perseguido americano á sus paysanos de la noble, leal, y valerosa ciudad de Cochabamba.1810
Pimentel, Francisco, conde de Heras, 1832-1893.Cuadro descriptivo y comparativo de las lenguas indigenas de México.1862-1865
Prado, Pablo de, 1576 or 7-1651 [Directorio espiritual en la lengua española, y quichua general del Inga][1660?]
Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata. Asamblea General Constituyente (1813-1815).Decreto. La Asamblea general sanciona el decreto expedido por la Junta Provisional Gubernativa de estas provincias en 1.o de setiembre de 1811, relativo á la extincion del tributo, y ademas derogada la mita, las encomiendas.[1813]
Reelant, Adriaan, 1676-1718.Hadriani relandi dissertationum miscellanearum pars prima [-tertia et ultima].1706-[1708]
Roldan, José Antonio Maria de. En nominis patris et fili e cum Espiritu Santu cuam[?] amen[.] Ave Maria purissima gratia plena[.] Historia de la pazificazion de las tierras de los Indios Itzaes y la gananzia de el Tayasial y de todos los pueblos y ciudades de la alaguna en la sola[1697-1698, i.e. between 1930 and 1968]
Rosa, Agustín de la, 1824-1907.Analisis gramatical de algunos textos mexicanos de las obras del P. jesuita Ignacio Paredes, para el uso de los alumnos del Seminario de Guadalajara.1871
Ruz, Joaquin, 1772-1870.Cartilla ó silabario de lengua maya, para la enseñanza de los niños indigenas.1845
Sansevero, Raimondo di Sangro, principe di, 1710-1771. Lettera apologetica dell' Esercitato accademico della Crusca : contenente la difesa del libro intitolato Lettere d'una Peruana, per rispetto alla supposizione de’quipu, scritta alla Duchessa di S****.1750 [i.e. 1751]
Santos y Salazar, Manuel de los.Colloquio yn quenin oquimaxili yn tlaçomahuiz quauhnepanolli Sancta Cruz intlacemicnopilhuiani S[anta]. Elena. Oquimo tecpanicuilhuili b[achille]r. D[on]. Manuel de los Sanctos y Salazar cura beneficiado y cahinco su Magestad vic[ar]io. y juez ecclesiastico y pan Altepetl Sancta Cruz cosca quauhatlauhticpac yllo tilanal ciudad Tlaxcalan[1714]
Smith, Buckingham, 1810-1871.[Documents in the Spanish and two of the early tongues of Florida (Apalachian and Timuquan)].[1859]
Steffel, Matthäus, b. 1734.Tarahumarisches Wörterbuch, nebst einigen Nachrichten von den Sitten und Gebräuchen der Tarahumaren, in Neu-Biscaya, in der Audiencia Guadalarara im Vice-Königreiche Alt-Mexico, oder Neu-Spanien.[1809]
Strachey, William, 1572?-1621.The first booke of the historie of trauaile into Virginia Britania expressing the cosmographie & com[m]odities of the country, together with the manners and customs of the people: : gathered & observed as well by those who went first thither as collected by William Strachey gent. 3 yeares thither imployed secretarie of state, and of counsaile with the right honourable the Lord La-warre His Ma[jes]ties Lord Gouernor and capt[ain] generall of the colony[1829]
Thomas, Gabriel, fl. 1682-1698.An historical and geographical account of the province and country of Pensilvania; and of West-New-Jersey in America... The natives, aborogmes [sic], their language, religion, laws, and customs.1698
Thomas, Gabriel, fl. 1682-1698.An historical description of the province and country of West-New-Jersey in America.1698
Thomas, Gabriel, fl. 1682-1698.Continuatio der Beschreibung der Landschafft Pensylvaniae an denen End-Gräntzen Americae.1702
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 1546-ca.1626.Historia de la benida do los Yndios apoblar Mexico delas partes remotas de Occidente los sucessos y perigrinaçiones del camino su govierno, ydolos y templos dellos ritos y cirimonias y sacrificios, y sacerdotes dellos fiestas, y bayles, y sus meses y calandarios delos tiempos, los reyes, que tuvieron hasta el postrero [que fue Ynga,] con otras cosas curiosas sacadas delos archivos y tradicciones antiguas dellos hecha por el Padre Juan de Tovar de la Compañia de Jesus inviada al rey n[uest]ro s[eñ]or en est original mano escrito.[between 1582 and 1587]
Vandiera, Domenico, 1693-ca. 1763.Historica relatio, de apostolicis missionibus patrum Societatis Jesu apud Chiquitos, Paraquariæ populos, primò hispano idiomate conscripta à P. Joan: Patricio Fernandez, dein ad typum promota a P. ieronymo Herran, procurate generali provinciæ Paraquariæ, utroque Societatis Jesu sacerdote, anno M.DCCXXVI. Hodie in lingua latinam translata ae alio ejusdem Societatis Jesu sacerdote.1733
Vandiera, Domenico, 1693-ca. 1763.Relacion historial de las missiones de los Indios, que llaman Chiquitos, que estàn à cargo de los padres de la Compañia de Jesvs de la provincia del Paraguay. Escrita por el padre Juan Patricio Fernandez, de la misma Compañia. Sacada a luz por el padre Geronimo Herràn, Procurador General de la misma provincia.1726
Vandiera, Domenico, 1693-ca. 1763.Erbauliche und angenehme Geschichten derer Chiqvitos, unde anderer von denen Patribus der Gesellschafft Jesu in Paraquaria neu-kekehrten Völcker. Alles aus dem Spanisch- un Französischen in das Teutsche übersetet, von einem aus erwehnter Gesellschaft.1729
Vandiera, Domenico, 1693-ca. 1763.Neuer Welt-Bot, mit sich bringend eine wahrhaffte Historie einiger von denen Patribus der Gesellschafft Jesu in Paraquaria neu-bekehrten Völcker... Aus dam Spanisch- und Frantzösischen in dae [sic] Teutsche übersetzet, von einem aus erwehnter Gesellschaft.1733
Vandiera, Domenico, 1693-ca.1763.Relazione istorica della nuova Cristianità degl’Indiani detti Cichiti scritta in spagnuolo dal P. Gio. Patrizio Fernandez, e tradotta in Italiano da Gio. Battista Memmi.1729
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 1539-1616Histoire des Incas, rois du Pérou. Nouvellement traduite de l'espagnol de Garcillasso-de la Vega. Et mise dans un meilleur ordre; avec des notes & des additions sur l'histoire naturelle de ce pay1744
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 1539-1616Histoire des Incas, rois du Pérou. Nouvellement traduite de l'espagnol de Garcillasso-de la Vega. Et mise dans un meilleur ordre; avec des notes & des additions sur l'histoire naturelle de ce pay1744
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 1539-1616Histoire des Incas, rois du Pérou. Nouvellement traduite de l'espagnol de Garcillasso-de la Vega. Et mise dans un meilleur ordre; avec des notes & des additions sur l'histoire naturelle de ce pay1744
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 1539-1616.Primera parte de los commentarios reales, que tratan dell origen de los Yncas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, de su idolatria, leyes y govierno, en paz y en guerra: de sus vidas y conquistas, y de todo lo que fue aquel Imperios y su Republica, antes que los Españoles passaran a el.1609
Venégas, Francisco Xavier, 1760-1838.Don Francisco Xavier de Venégas de Saavedra, Rodrigues de Arenzana, Güemes, Mora, Pacheco, Daza, y Maldonado... presidente de su real junta, y subdelegado general de Correos en el mismo reyno. Ayamo moyolpachihuitia in Totlatocatzin rey D. Fernando VII, auh itencopatzinco in Supremo Consejo de Regencia de España è Indias.[1810]
Vetancurt, Augustín de, 1620-1700.De contemptu omnium vanitatum huius mundi [before 1700]
Vimont, Barthélemy, 1594-1667.Relation de ce qui s'est passé en la Nouuelle France en l'annee 1642. & 1643. 1644


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