Equinoxes 1996: Lignes d'horizon


all events
- unless otherwise noted -
will take place in the Music Room of Rochambeau House, 84 Prospect St.

Saturday 27 April 1996:

Pierre Saint-Amand, Graduate Advisor, Department of French Studies at Brown University

9:15 SESSION 1: Atelier
Rochambeau House Library

1. Aaron Prevots, "Ascèse de l'immédiat: Segalen, Stèles et l'exotisme"

2. Marie-Chantal Killeen, "Nous autres là"

3. Heather McCoy, "La subjectivité abjecte"

10:30 SESSION 2

1. Deborah Hahn, "The School of Marriage: Family Formation in Early Modern France and Molière's L'Ecole des Femmes"

2. Eduardo Febles, "'La propagande par le geste': Shifting Codes of Violence in the Modernist Aesthetic"

break - 10 minutes

3. Valerie Orlando, "Who's Covering Who in the Postmodern 90's: Subverting the Orientist Image in the Contemporary North African Text"

12:30 BRUNCH
Rochambeau House Library

Note: The 1996 Colloquium features presentations from students affiliated with Brown University.

This space generously provided by Brown University's
Department of French Studies.