A survey of computational methods for determining haplotypes (bibtex)
by Bjarni V Halldorsson, Vineet Bafna, Nathan J. Edwards, Ross Lippert, Shibu Yooseph, Sorin Istrail
Bjarni V Halldorsson, Vineet Bafna, Nathan J. Edwards, Ross Lippert, Shibu Yooseph, Sorin Istrail, "A survey of computational methods for determining haplotypes", In First RECOMB Satellite on Computational Methods for SNPs and Haplotype Inference, (RECOMB SNP&HAP03), Springer, pp. 26-47, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Halldorsson, Bjarni V and Bafna, Vineet and Edwards, Nathan J. and
	Lippert, Ross and Yooseph, Shibu and Istrail, Sorin},
  title = {A survey of computational methods for determining haplotypes},
  booktitle = {First RECOMB Satellite on Computational Methods for SNPs and Haplotype
	Inference, (RECOMB SNP\&HAP03)},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {26--47},
  publisher = {Springer},
  owner = {Derek},
  timestamp = {2012.05.08},
  url = {http://www.brown.edu/Research/Istrail_Lab/papers/IstrailSurvey.pdf},
  category = {Haplotype Phasing, Haplotype Analysis, Haplotype Assembly}
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