Welcome to the home page for the Optical Terahertz Science and Technology conference series.

The OTST conference was founded to provide a venue for researchers using optical techniques to access the terahertz spectral range. This small workshop is held in March or April, every other year. It features both invited and contributed presentations from researchers worldwide, highlighting the latest results in generation, detection, spectroscopy, imaging, and applications of terahertz science.

NEWS: The next OTST conference has been scheduled!

Location: Marburg Germany

Web site: https://www.otst2024.com/

Important dates:

        Abstract submission deadline: 23 December, 2023

        Conference dates: 8-12 April 2024

Chairs: Martin Koch and Enrique Castro-Camus

Check the conference web site for more information.

HISTORY:  OTST was founded in 2005, at a time when the terahertz community was beginning a period of rapid growth and activity. The vision for the conference is to remain relatively small (fewer than 200 participants), in the model of a Gordon Conference, to promote discussion and allow scientists at all stages of their careers to connect and collaborate. In 2005 and 2007, the conference was sponsored by the Optical Society of America, as an OSA Topical Meeting. Beginning in 2009, OTST became an independent conference series, with all of the responsibilities for the technical program and local organization handled by the two conference chairs. The 2013 workshop in Kyoto Japan was the first held outside of the USA; the 2017 meeting in London was the second. In 2019, the conference returned to the USA, in Santa Fe New Mexico. The next conference, which was to have been held in 2021, was delayed until 2022 due to the COVID pandemic, and was held in Budapest, Hungary.

SELECTING THE NEXT OTST SITE: The current and former OTST Chairs have recognized the need for a more formal procedure for deciding on the location and the Chairs of subsequent meetings.  Any person(s) interested in acting as Chair and host should prepare a brief document (pdf format) outlining their proposal. This document should contain, at a minimum, the following information:

·       Names of the two conference chairs and their affiliations; their history of previous attendance at OTST.

·       Proposed conference dates and location, including details of the location’s capacity for handling a meeting of this sort (i.e., a full week with one technical session at a time, not parallel sessions); any previous conferences of comparable size (200 attendees) hosted at that location; access to transportation, especially for international attendees; visa requirements (if any); estimated hotel costs for participants.

·       Budgetary information, including income from conference fee and expenditures associated with reserving the venue, refreshment/dinner, etc. Please be aware that OTST does not have any ongoing external support, either in the form of funding or staff/personnel, so these issues must be considered carefully.

·       Local amenities / proposed conference outing sites.

This brief proposal must be provided to the current OTST Chairs at least 4 months prior to the start of the preceding conference. (That is, proposals to host the 2026 meeting should be submitted at least four months prior to the 2024 meeting.) The steering committee, composed of all current and former OTST Chairs, will review all proposals prior to the conference, and will make a final selection by majority vote of attending members during the conference (absentee voting not permitted).







Orlando FL USA

Mark Allen, Physical Sciences Inc.

Daniel Mittleman, Rice University


Orlando FL USA

Peter Uhd Jepsen, Technical University of Denmark

Gwyn Williams, Jefferson National Laboratory


Santa Barbara, CA USA

Frank Hegmann, University of Alberta Edmonton

Andrea Markelz, University at Buffalo

Honorary co-chair: Mark Sherwin, University of California Santa Barbara


Santa Barbara CA USA

Ajay Nahata, University of Utah

Charles Schmuttenmaer, Yale University

Honorary co-chair: Mark Sherwin, University of California Santa Barbara


Kyoto Japan

Koichiro Tanaka, Kyoto University

Masayoshi Tonouchi, University of Osaka


San Diego CA USA

Richard Averitt, University of California San Diego

Dmitri Basov, University of California San Diego


London UK

Oleg Mitrofanov, University College London

Miriam Vitiello, Instituto Nanoscience CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy 


Santa Fe NM USA

Hou-Tong Chen, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Igal Brener, Sandia National Laboratory


Budapest, Hungary

Jozsef Fulop, University of Pecs

Janos Hebling, University of Pecs


Marburg, Germany

Martin Koch, University of Marburg

Enrique Castro-Camus, University of Marburg


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In the UCL courtyard, London                                      Conference Dinner, Kyoto

Last modified: 1  June 2018