Complaints and Incidents

The University’s Code of Conduct reflects Brown’s values of integrity, honesty, and fairness and “is a shared statement of the individual and collective commitment of members of the Brown community to upholding the ethical, professional and legal standards we use as the basis for our daily and long-term decision-making and actions.” In instances where employees feel this code is not being upheld, the University strongly encourages them to discuss concerns with their immediate supervisor, chair, relevant dean, or Human Resources Business Partner as a first step.

If an issue cannot be resolved in this manner, employees may use the information below to determine where to report their concern. Faculty, staff, graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral scholars may also consider contacting Brown's Ombudsperson to confidentially discuss their concerns and determine if they would like to proceed with a formal complaint or report. To contact the Ombuds Office, call 401-863-6145 or email [email protected].

Brown's Non-Retaliation Policy prohibits retaliation against employees who make good faith reports to the University.

Please note: Union represented employees always have the right to talk with their Union representative.

Type of Report or Complaint Applies to How to Report
Workplace & Campus
Concerns about a management act that an employee believes adversely affects their work environment or violates an employment policy (for non-union employees) Faculty and Staff Email Employee and Labor Relations
A formal complaint that alleges violations of the terms and conditions of the represented employee's collective bargaining agreement (CBA) Union Represented Staff Contact Your Union Representative for information on filing a grievance.
Concerns regarding academic freedom, tenure-track disputes, or unfair treatment related to research and teaching responsibilities Faculty Contact your Chair, Dean, or the Deputy Provost or, in specific instances outlined in the committee charge, the Committee on Grievance and Procedural Integrity. In such instances, contact the committee chair for a confidential consultation, during which you will receive guidance on the appropriate venue for resolving the matter.
Concerns about physical or digital accessibility barriers that represent a failure to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Faculty and Staff Email [email protected]
Concerns about unsafe working conditions including lack of protective equipment, environmental hazards, or violations of safety policies Faculty and Staff Email Environmental, Health & Safety
Bias, Discrimination, Harassment
Concerns about an act or pattern of behavior that may be construed as bias, discrimination, harassment or retaliation Faculty and Staff Submit a Bias, Discrimination and Harassment Incident Reporting Form 

For consultation with staff in the Office of Equity and Compliance Reporting before submitting a report, email [email protected] or call 401-863-1800.

Concerns about an act or pattern of behavior that may be construed as sex-based harassment, sexual violence, or gender-based discrimination Faculty and Staff Submit a Gender Discrimination and Sexual Violence Incident Reporting Form 

For consultation with staff in the Office of Equity and Compliance Reporting before submitting a report, email [email protected] or  call  401 863-2026.

Allegations of Research Misconduct or Research Integrity or Compliance Concerns related to Human Subjects Research (IRB), Animal Research (IACUC), Conflict of Interest (COI), Export Control, and Data Management Faculty and Staff Email Office of Research Integrity
Compliance & Ethics
A violation of Brown's policies or suspected misconduct not appropriate for the above options Faculty and Staff Email University Compliance

Don't Know Where To Report?

If you are not sure how to report - or if you wish to remain anonymous - use the Anonymous Reporting Hotline online report form or call toll-free 877-318-9184 to make a report. The Hotline process will ensure your concern is addressed appropriately.

The Hotline is not a 911 or Emergency Service. Do not use the Hotline to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property.

Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance on campus, contact Brown University Public Safety at 401-863-4111 or dial x3-4111 from any campus phone.