
Recent Collaborative Publications from Our Researchers

February 8, 2018
Celinda Kofron

Many of our research faculty participate in collaborative research across universities and companies.

Recent contributions by our research faculty include:

Chen, P.Y., Zhang, M., Liu, M., Wong, I.Y. and Hurt, R.H., 2017. Ultrastretchable Graphene-Based Molecular Barriers for Chemical Protection, Detection, and Actuation. ACS nano.

Duarte, H.A., Panpradist, N., Beck, I.A., Lutz, B., Lai, J., Kanthula, R.M., Kantor, R., Tripathi, A., Saravanan, S., MacLeod, I.J. and Chung, M.H., 2017. Current Status of Point-of-Care Testing for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Drug Resistance. The Journal of infectious diseases, 216(suppl_9), pp.S824-S828.

Kane, P.M., Vopat, B.G., Mansuripur, P.K., Gaspar, M.P., Wolfe, S.W., Crisco, J.J. and Got, C., 2017. Relative Contributions of the Midcarpal and Radiocarpal Joints to Dart-Thrower’s Motion at the Wrist. The Journal of hand surgery.

Schneider, M.T., Zhang, J., Crisco, J.J., Weiss, A.P.C., Ladd, A.L., Mithraratne, K., Nielsen, P. and Besier, T., 2017. Trapeziometacarpal joint contact varies between men and women during three isometric functional tasks. Medical Engineering and Physics, 50, pp.43-49.

Schreiber, J.J., McQuillan, T.J., Halilaj, E., Crisco, J.J., Weiss, A.P., Patel, T., Kenney, D. and Ladd, A.L., 2018. Changes in local bone density in early thumb carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis. Journal of Hand Surgery, 43(1), pp.33-38.

Sui, N., Wang, K., Shan, X., Bai, Q., Wang, L., Xiao, H., Liu, M., Colvin, V.L. and William, W.Y., 2017. Facile synthesis of hollow dendritic Ag/Pt alloy nanoparticles for enhanced methanol oxidation efficiency. Dalton Transactions, 46(44), pp.15541-15548.

Young, D., Willett, F., Memberg, W.D., Murphy, B., Walter, B., Sweet, J.A., Miller, J., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, R.F. and Ajiboye, A.B., 2018. Signal processing methods for reducing artifacts in microelectrode brain recordings caused by functional electrical stimulation. Journal of neural engineering.