• Royce Fellowship


International Relations; Slavic Languages

Award Year 


Alla will study two 20th-Century transformations in Ukraine - the Socialist Revolution of 1917 and the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991. Specifically, her research, the foundation for her honors thesis, will examine the political and economic effects of these events on women.

After graduation, Alla spent a decade as an investment banking at Goldman Sachs, but during this time her childhood passion for writing grew stronger. Later, it was the birth of Alla’s son that became the catalyst to her first published works, a children’s book ‘The Magic World’ (‘Volshebnyi Mir’), and ‘Violet Dreams’ (‘Nerozovye Sny’) – a book of poetry for adults. Alla continues to write and recently joined Nomura Financial as head of origination and sales for Russia and the former Soviet Union.