Cogut Institute for the Humanities
Center for the Study of the Early Modern World

Bertie Mandelblatt

George S. Parker II ’51 curator of maps and prints at the John Carter Brown Library
Research Interests Historical Cartography and Historical Geography; Historical Methods; Early Modern French Colonial History; Plantation Slavery; Commodities and Consumption; and the Early Modern Caribbean


Bertie Mandelblatt's work involves building the John Carter Brown Library’s map and print collections; curating exhibitions and developing other kinds of programming; working with JCB Fellows, other researchers and the wider public; teaching from JCB collections; and engaging in outreach and scholarship based on the map and print collections, and the JCB collections more broadly.  She is a historical geographer (PhD, University of London) and a librarian (MLIS, McGill University) with research expertise in historical cartography, the French Americas and the early modern Caribbean. She has published in a number of anthologies and journals (History Workshop Journal; Atlantic StudiesHistoire, Économie, SociétéFrench HistoryHistory of European Ideas; and most recently (2021) Early American Studies). Her research addresses a number of intersecting questions in those broad fields: cartography as an imperial practice; the historical geography of the colonial Americas; the geographies of plantation slavery; colonial trade, commodities, agriculture; and early modern subsistence and consumption.