Rachel Friedberg
Distinguished Senior Lecturer in Economics
Rachel Friedberg joined the PSTC as an assistant professor after earning her Ph.D. in economics at MIT. Her research centers on the economic outcomes of immigrants in the United States and Israel, and on immigration's impact on the labor market of the receiving country. She has testified before the U.S. Congress and participated in Israeli Knesset committee deliberations on immigration policy and reform. A faculty affiliate of the Program in Judaic Studies, she is currently studying the demography and economics of the American Jewish community.
Selected Publications
"Recent Trends in the Earnings of New Immigrants to the United States," (joint with G. Borjas) National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 15406, 2009.
"The Economic Diversity of Immigration Across the United States," (joint with D. Jaeger) IZA Institute for the Study of Labor Discussion Paper 4555 and Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration Discussion Paper 31/09, 2009.
“The Economic Impact of Knowledge Workers from India and China,” in Movement of Global Talent: The Impact of High Skill Labor Flows from India and China, Udai Tambar, editor. Princeton: Princeton University , Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, pp. 35-53, 2007.
"The Impact of Mass Migration on the Israeli Labor Market," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, CXVI(4), pp.1373-1408, 2001.
"You Can't Take it With You? Immigrant Assimilation and the Portability of Human Capital," Journal of Labor Economics, 18(2), pp.221-251, 2000.
Scholarly Interests
Economics of immigration, Jewish social science, Labor economics
Affiliated Departments
Department of Economics