CSREA Faculty Grant Events

Performance by Monique Mojica, LeAnne Howe, and Jorge Morejón: "Side Show Freaks & Circus Injuns"

Granoff Center, Studio 1

Monique Mojica, LeAnne Howe, and Jorge Morejón present a public offering of work in progress titled "Side Show Freaks & Circus Injuns," presenting excerpts of the play in process with a discussion moderated by Dr. Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies, Brown University.

Moon-Kie Jung, "The U.S. Empire-State and the Strange Career of Dred Scott"

This talk proposes to reconceptualize the United States as an empire-state, drawing evidence from constitutional law of the long nineteenth century. Descriptively more apt, the approach provides a firmer basis for understanding the United States as a racial state and a framework for analyzing the different but linked histories of racial subjection, including those of Asians/Asian Americans, Blacks, Latina/os, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.

Research Seminar with Vicki Ruiz (UC Irvine), "Uncharted Journeys: My Life in History"

Hillel, Meeting Room

This seminar blends reflections from almost four decades in the academy with practical advice for meeting the expected and unexpected challenges (and rewards) along the way. In particular, Ruiz will focus on the ways in which to read an archive when searching for Latina sources, accessing hidden stories as well as those in plain sight. In addition, she will address the surprising consequences of oral history and the meaning of memories, real or imagined. As importantly, the seminar will underscore the power of public history and the gift of collaboration.
