What I Am Thinking About Now: Nicholas Laluk, "'Nígosdzán is a Living, Breathing Woman': Power, the Natural World, and Healing in Ndee (Apache) Institutions"

CSREA, 96 Waterman Street, Providence RI

Please join us on Tuesday, November 28, at 12pm-1pm for a "What I Am Thinking About Now" presentation by Nicholas Laluk, Postdoctoral Fellow with CSREA and the Department of Anthropology, titled "'Nígosdzánis a Living, Breathing Woman': Power, the Natural World, and Healing in Ndee (Apache) Institutions"

Ndee institutions and overall community well-being are literally "grounded" in the landscape. The inseparability of the natural world, power, and morality are defined by living in complete harmony with Nígosdzán (Mother Earth).  By centering Nígosdzán from creation to contemporary times, various Ndee aspirations in reference to sociocultural well-being and achieving senses of Gozho–balance, beauty, and harmony–can be achieved. 

RSVP: [email protected]

"What I Am Thinking About Now" is an on-going informal workshop/seminar series to which faculty and graduate students are invited to present and discuss recently published work and work in progress. All are invited to attend and participate.