What Michael Merry is Thinking About Now

A core component of CSREA’s mission is supporting the development of cutting-edge, collaborative, intellectual work. “What I Am Thinking About Now” is an informal workshop/seminar series where faculty and advanced students present recently published works and works in progress for early-stage feedback and development. See all of this semester’s WITAN events here.


Tribal Colleges and the Elusive Quest for Self-Determination

Michael Merry, CSREA Visiting Faculty Fellow; Professor, University of Amsterdam College of Social and Behavioural Sciences

About the Presenter

Michael S. Merry is Professor in the faculty of social and behavioral sciences at the University of Amsterdam. He received a broad education in the humanities in Chicago, Leuven and New York before earning his doctorate in philosophy and educational policy studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Though he writes on a wide variety of topics, and often through a comparative-international frame, he specializes in any of the following: the various features of educational inequality, both institutional and non-institutional; state paternalism and the ethics of intervention; the politics and epistemology of academic research; the ethics of school choice and school segregation, citizenship and civic education, religion and religious schools, and alternative education in its manifold forms. His most recent book is entitled, Educational Justice: Liberal ideals, persistent inequality and the constructive uses of critique (2020).