David Winton Bell Gallery

Past Exhibitions

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Kai Franz
Reset, 2017
CAD drawing, CNC-code, CAM-software, plopper (dual-axis precision deposition system), polyurethane, sand.
Kai Franz
Detail of "Reset", 2017
CAD drawing, CNC-code, CAM-software, plopper (dual-axis precision deposition system), polyurethane, sand.
Kai Franz
Indefinite Contours, 2017
CAD drawing, CAD Drawing, CNC-Code, CAM-Software, Plopper (Dual-Axis Precision Deposition System), Sand, Polyurethane
Kai Franz
Untitled Plopps from Random Drawings, No. 94 (As Melting Cheese), 2014
CAD drawing, CAD Drawing, CNC-Code, CAM-Software, Plopper (Dual-Axis Precision Deposition System), Sand, Polyurethane
Kai Franz
Untitled Plopps from Random Drawings, No. 96 (Feeling Lumpy), 2014
CAD drawing, CAD Drawing, CNC-Code, CAM-Software, Plopper (Dual-Axis Precision Deposition System), Sand, Polyurethane
Kai Franz
Untitled Plopps from Random Drawings, No. 97 (At Full Blast), 2014
CAD drawing, CAD Drawing, CNC-Code, CAM-Software, Plopper (Dual-Axis Precision Deposition System), Sand, Polyurethane
Kai Franz
Untitled Elements, 2014
CAD Drawing, CNC-Code, CAM-Software, Plopper (Dual-Axis Precision Deposition System), Sand, Polyurethane.
Kai Franz and Mimi Cabell
The Particles Fell Silent, 2014
Single channel video. Running time: 11'27"