Anyone can start an interest group!
We've had a Moms, Dads, and Babes group twice in the past. It was a playgroup, but as the children grew older, interests diverged and the group disbanded. Like the phoenix it could be reborn anew if the interest and need arises.
Maybe you would like to start another interest group?
How about gardening? Poker? Hiking? Film?
Specialty reading: science fiction, thrillers? Restaurant review? Anything else?
We have always been relevant to the times – with groups evolving as the interests arose and adjusting as the needs changed.
Contact us with your ideas. Questions or comments are always welcome.
We have an interdepartmental membership. Almost all WMB members are drawn from faculty and family. I’ve been a member for years. I’ve made many friends outside physics, my Brown affiliation, and I’ve enjoyed the interest groups.
-Corinne Tan, President of WMB, 2008–2010