First Place
Julia TompkinsĀ '18
"Height of Land"
Julia Tompkins graduated from Brown in 2018 with honors in English. At Brown, she wrote and edited for The College Hill Independent. She is a past winner of the Casey Shearer Memorial Award and the Preston Gurney Prize for Literary Criticism. She also received an honorable mention in the W.B. Yeats Poetry Competition. She now works as a strategist at 2x4, a global design consultancy based in New York City. She lives in Brooklyn.
Second Place
Claribel Wu '19
Claribel Wu '19 is currently practicing radical relaxation, patience, and forgiveness in her creative journey. As a writer and multimedia storyteller, she is interested in how spaciousness and breath can cultivate a quantum connection between story and listener. In this time of rest, Claribel is developing literary comics that approach the question of how we can approach a turbulent reality, full of love and grief, with the lucid strength of compassion.