If you are found responsible for a Code violation, you may be assigned a community status outcome that will fall along a range of increasing severity from a Probation to Expulsion, depending on the nature of the incident and your conduct history. It is also possible for no community status to be assigned.
- Probation is a period of time during which you are expected to demonstrate better commitment to the Code of Student Conduct, as any incidents that occur during that time will be scrutinized more heavily and sanctioned more seriously.
- Suspension is a designated time a student must spend away from campus focusing on growth and development before being allowed to rejoin the campus community.
- Expulsion is a permanent separation from the University.
All community status outcomes aside from Expulsion are typically accompanied by educational or restorative assignments called terms. If terms are not met by the deadlines assigned by the hearing officer/administrative reviewer, you may be charged with failure to comply with a proper directive and subjected to another disciplinary process.