After you file a complaint, it gets reviewed by the staff in the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards to determine the best course of action. This may result in a preliminary review, which may include asking you for additional information, contacting potential witnesses, and gathering other important information before deciding how to proceed. If the allegations you make in the complaint could, if substantiated, result in a student’s temporary or permanent separation from Brown, a full investigative review will be conducted. If the allegations are not serious enough to warrant separation, even if substantiated, the case will likely be referred to an Administrative Review Meeting. In either event, you will be contacted by the Case Administrator, the Investigator, or the hearing officer to solicit your participation if the details of the case warrant it. If the allegations you make in your complaint do not constitute a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, the case may result in non-disciplinary follow up (mediation, Dean’s Conference, warning letter, etc.).
