MBSR Teacher – Training Level 1


8-week MBSR Course, taught in person or online, in real-time, with group interaction; and one qualifying retreat, defined as being a 5-7 day, silent, teacher-led retreat.
Note: Pre-recorded video MBSR programs, while potentially supportive to learning and practice, do not  fulfill the pre-requisites for MBSR teacher training. Important elements of the MBSR classroom include direct contact with a teacher in real time,  and interactive teacher-group dialogue which is not available in pre-recorded courses. .

Information about Qualifying Retreats


1. MBSR Foundations (10 Session or Residential Format) and 2. MBSR Teacher Advancement Intensive . 

Other Requirements  

1. Qualifying Retreat, defined as being a 5-7 day, silent, teacher-led retreat, for a total of two retreats. About Retreats

On Taking MBSR: Taking an MBSR class is a pre-requisite for MBSR Foundations. MBSR is an 8-week program that is available four times a year and can be taken in person or live-online. This prerequisite is required before applying for any of our MBSR Foundations programs, in either format: MBSR Foundations 10 Sessions (online or in-person) or MBSR Foundations Residential. Taking MBSR before beginning your training to teach MBSR provides you with the opportunity to experience the class fully as a participant and to have a direct experience of the value of the class. 

As an integral part of the MBSR Foundations program, 10 Sessions, you also attend the related MBSR class. This will be, at least, the second time you will take the class. What transpires in the MBSR class each week becomes an essential part of the discussions in the Foundations program, in terms of personal practice, group dynamics and teacher choice points. You participate in the MBSR program as both a participant and an observer as a means of developing comprehension of the MBSR curriculum, teaching competencies and  the underpinnings of the program. 

As an integral part of the MBSR Foundations Residential program, you also attend the five-day Framework for Mindful Living program. What transpires in the Framework program becomes an essential part of the discussions in the Foundations seminar, in terms of personal practice, group dynamics and teacher choice points. You participate in the Framework for Mindful Living program as both a participant and an observer as a means of developing comprehension of the MBSR curriculum, teaching competencies and  the underpinnings of the program


Your name listed on the Brown University Mindfulness Center website,  in the MBSR Teacher Registry as having completed:  “MBSR Teacher – Training Level 1”  
Click here to submit your name and contact information if you have completed these requirements.  

After completing these requirements you begin teaching 8-week, in-person MBSR programs.