Coeus, InfoEd, Workday- Grant Roles

Due to an increase in bulk/multi-user access and roles tickets requiring security audits surrounding these type of requests, as of 4/01/2022 any Access ticket for:

  • Coeus,
  • InfoEd or
  • Workday- Grant Roles 

submitted for more than a single user named in the ticket, will result in the ticket being returned as closed.  In that closed ticket, you will be asked to submit a new single ticket per user for their specific access/role(s).   

This will ensure accurate security and audit trails can be kept intact surrounding each user's requested access.  Each request should reflect an individual user only.  This also applies to deactivation and/or role removal requests. 

We appreciate your assistance with this.  Please pass this important update on to any system users who may need to communicate this information to their staff. 

Should you have a large department migration project or a whole team access request, please contact RAIS directly to collaborate on special projects.   All other Access and role requests should be submitted via the standard OIT Service Center's ticket system here


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